Monday, November 25, 2013


Typically speaking...Temptation is Strongest when It APPEALS to a most LEGITIMATE need. Therefore, if you don't need it, there's no pull. 

I didn't say that you disliked it or didn't have physical cycles that cause desire to rise or fall.

A Few Questions:

1) Whatever got solved when sex took place outside of marriage? Name one thing. 

2) If you had to do it all over again, would you BE so easy or be soo repetitive once you started. 

3) Do you really believe that sexual sin is done without judgment. 

4) Are you comfortable watching movies that are loaded with sexual innuendo, regardless of the story line? 

5) Are you pure in heart?
Or in need of deliverance from uncleanness?

6) Do you sin sexually regularly or grieve the Holy Spirit, even at times, vexing Him? 

7) Are you Saved?

Think about it. When Samson shook himself, he didn't know it, but, the Spirit was gone. 


Thank you.
Brian Keith Williams


I'm getting ready to make a lot of people mad. Here it goes. I went to see a popular movie that's out. Nearly, all black cast. I love to see my people shine. Good looking people, great acting, and some very good punch lines, for sure. After about 30 mins. I'd seen enough. 

WHY? Sprinkling of cussing, sexual innuendo, muscles and thighs, etc. I didn't like What I was feeling. I felt grieved and I felt an UNCLEAN SPIRIT DISGUISED IN PAJAMAS, and atmosphere of the demonic. 

I can handle anything, just about, w/o falling. But, why subject the Holy Ghost to another of COMPROMISE AND CARNAL BEHAVIOR. SHOULD I expect him to laugh allusions of "ROCKING THE MIC AND HEADMASTER...etc", i won't define it if you don't know what it is.

I just preached about teenage pregnancy and lesbianism among young black girls, etc...and soo, is it cool TO DROP THE MIC AND GO WATCH PEOPLE TALK ABOUT "ROCK THE MIC. 

To quote a line from the movie, H... NO! I judge myself as carmal and compromising. And if you enjoy that, YOU ARE TOO. May God have mercy. 

And please don't give me your COUNSEL. I am not giving you COUNSEL. I am giving you a CONFESSION. 

I preached to God's people the last two days. A lot of young people. Not a lot of money to give, but, a lot of love. I gave it my best. They received me and never fell asleep, walked or took their eyes off me. I salute their great Pastors,

In the messages, At times, I dealt with the problems in the Black Community that are cyclical, perpetual, such as Poor-verty, consumerism, etc...

I exposed enemy plots against the black man, family, woman, child, etc. I wept, I prayed. 

I declared. Few stood. Hardly anyone shouted. BUT, BELIEVE ME, EVERYONE LISTENED. It ended string both days.

Then we went to dinner. Great time. Laughed and shared. I am anointed to have a table in stitches. They were. It was great, but, I ATE TOO MUCH. Probably, twice, what I should have eaten. Veggies, and grilled, though. Just a lil fried. 

Then, myself and two pastoral couples. Head to the movies. After about 30 mins. I WALK OUT. 

I'm texting you from the hall. I won't be watching the rest. 

POINT: 3 sins or faults have been committed, since church. 

Therefore, darkness has entered. So, I am going to walk and pray til it ends. 

Now, before you think I am neurotic, or imbalance or looney or too deep or asinine, what the what, let's just say, the Spirit was leading me not to come, but, I came anyway. 

My pastoral friends are not in sin. God deals with people differently and CONVICTS ACCORDINGLY.

That's a lot to explain, but, I am not judging them or those of you, who enjoy a movie because it has a great storyline, sexy men or sensual women or a sprinkling of words you may use from time or etc etc etc. 

God is our judge. I don't want to have a forum or discussion or argue or hear I am right or I am wrong. Your opinion or mine is not needed. I am simply testifying. End of story . 

Which leads me to another point. I will discuss that in my next. I am asking God's forgiveness. 

I feel soo much more at peace in the hall. PLEASE DON'T ASK ME WHAT MOVIE, THATS IMMATERIAL. Just say, many of us have probably seen it in recent days. 

Thank You For Your Time,
Bishop Brian Keith Williams D.D.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Ha Ha Ha Not This Time

Learn to laugh at the enemy.
Tell the Saboteur Not This Time! John 10:10

"The job of the thief aka saboteur is to plot with wiles and devices to upset what God sets up.

In the book of Ezra it says the enemy "hired counselors to frustrate their Purpose."

To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Consider me a Wise Whistle blower. We are not ignorant of his devices.

FAMILY: The enemy uses family to try to stop you. You would think they would have your back and front.

But, often, they booby trap your best efforts, because they are too familiar and fail to discern your calling or who you are.

Therefore, they seek to sabotage by playing on you through "manipulative rantings, fake tears, false prophecies and work underhandedly to undercut."

Tell the saboteur it won't work this time. Joseph was sold out by half-brothers.

Jesus brothers didn't believe on him til he went to the cross and rose three days later as he said. Paul referred to "perils of false brethren.

Press on dear one, despite the non-support of relatives.

FRIENDS: A friend loves at all times. A false friend isn't revealed at first. A good test is how they react to good news that you share. Their initial facial reaction says it all.

A friend often times is intimidated by your promotion and causes commotion in a feeble effort to stop your locomotion.

True friends don't need an explanation. False friends won't accept it. So, spare yourself heartache and cut the cord. Often, the "ones you helped the most, appreciate it the least.

You don't need those who smile in your face, while sabotaging your back. They are like "snakes in your bosom."

Press on dear one. David's "familiar", meaning, almost like, family friend, Ahithophel counseled Absalom to defile his wives and betray him.

He was bitter against him and sought to booby trap and blow up his family. David survived, revived and thrived. So, will you.

FOES: A man's enemies or foes are often in your household. In adversity you will know your friends. In prosperity you will know your enemies.

Nehemiah had three groups of people in his camp. He had workers. Those who had a mind to work.

He had jerkers. Those who wanted to be in the happenings, but, did nothing to make it happen.

He had shirkers. Those like Sanballat Geshem and Tobiah who taunted and attempted to torment them to hinder the re-building task.

It didn't work. He stayed on the wall and finished in 52 days.
He told the saboteur, NOT THIS TIME!

He had a brick in one hand and a sword in the other.

FORMULA: To finish strong, you need two things. 1) BUILD

FINALLY: Family will eventually come around. Brothers will be born for adversity. Friends will be sent as reinforcements and will stick closer than natural brothers. Foes will be defeated and often become your greatest supporters. Tell the SABOTEUR, HAHAHAHAHA, NOT THIS TIME!

Loveee you. Sir Brian

Friday, November 22, 2013


"There is a lady whose love is the substance of romance. 
She engages, free of pretense. Not moved by circumstance, mundane chance or mere happenstance."

There is a lady who's life travels have traversed mental continents of pain to a place known as the Celestial City of Gain. GIVE THE LADY A HAND!

There is a lady who has no more irresolute game, no time to heap disconsolate shame. Meet her and you are never able to perceive the same. 

There is a lady, she's spoken her last maybe. She resounds super favorably. She declares with absolute certainty. GIVE THE LADY A HAND !

There is a lady, queen of the day, ruler of the night, a redwood in height, she operates smoothly, without sleight. 

She inspired the poetic, moved the prophetic, rebuked the apathetic. GIVE

There is a lady that is savior contained, self maintained, no need to explain. She is anointing retained, specifically attained. 

She is the feminine expression, of unheard of, infinitesimal progression. 

Who is this lady, one dares to ask. Revealing her is a formidable task. Her genre, gender, generalization cannot tolerate capitulation. 

She is the poster babe of Maslow's actualization. Freud's errant hypothesis is dismissed. Nietschke need not apply, he can't discern the "red wine" of her Judah eye. GIVE THE LADY A HAND!

She is undefinable. She is most desirable. She is GOD's LADY. She is used to gold. She walks on it. She is a depository of glory. She speaks in pictures of silver, WHO IS SHE???? 

She is God's Lady. She is the BRIDE. Adorned for her HUSBANDMAN....SHE RESPECTS THE GOD MAN!!!! 

She is you. She is me. His bride throughout ETERNITY. Death shall never do US PART. 

Oh my Holy God, keep me, never leave me til I see thee. To thee, I pledge my troth. I DO. I DO. YESSSSSSS. I DOOO!!!

Loveee you. Sir Brian

Thursday, November 21, 2013


A Godly woman is the shining star of a man's night sky. 

A Godly woman is the reason for the sparkle in his satisfied eye.

A Godly woman is the honey for his tea and the V in his Victory.

A Godly woman carries effervescence in her presence. She embodies resonance in her magnificence. 

A Godly woman is the neutron and proton of Adam's atom. She is colorful foliage in his autumn, in the twinkling dawn. 

A Godly woman is adorned with grace and anointed to rid the forlorn, fraught with care, soul, of guilt, shame and disgrace. 

A Godly woman inhales her covenant man's oxygen and inspires him to heightened acumen. 

A Godly woman knows the meaning of entrust and submit. She is ever grateful for her GODLY MAN's status of legit. 

She is like God. Feeling and fragile. She must be handled with dare. For when she lays her heart bare, she longs to be rocketed, "to a place called THERE!"

Oh Lord, in the beginning, your plan was to say, "Let us make man", who carried the woman. Man had the first baby and she was all his...she sang, "how sweet it tis..."

LORD, DO IT AGAIN! Love the God in you, Godly mean and you will give birth to a Godly Woman. 

Don't defile her. Smile at her. Love her. Do unto her, not do her. Then, The GODLYFATHER, will say, "well done, my son!" 

The rest is history. Live with her, according to accuracy. Then, as joint-heirs fulfill your destiny. 

Pastor to Pastors. Apostle to Nations. Achea, Brian, and Brandon's dad. Still, just... Sir Brian

Monday, November 18, 2013

To My Beloved ANC

Grace and Peace Beloved ANC, 

Thank you for all and everything you've ever done . Pastor Brian is doing a remarkable job. Your support is soo wonderful. Keep it up. Every Wednesday and Sunday, allow this servant to teach and preach and lead you into God's presence. He now covers you and is the watchman for your soul . He is not a successor. He is a progressor . Follow his leads. When and if he ever needs or asks me to come, I will. He is full of the Holy Ghost. Please support HOPE CITY WITH YOUR TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE. Your self, service snd substance.

Kingdom Blessings. Papa Brian

Preachers of the USA Part 5

have been ministering a lot about "Restoration". I've noticed that people sit with baited breath listening and often wipe tears while also breaking out in laughter. 

I think this is what "young people" mean, when they say, KEEP IT REAL! I always prayed for God to anoint me like this. 

It's what I most admire about TD Jakes and Joyce Meyer. They "pull on your heartstrings without you feeling, they are jerking your chains."

Fellow preachers, cease, telling fantabulous stories and exaggerated claims of failure free, un-mistake made, living, 

I would encourage you, in the context of edification to show that the story of God's glory, contains, scars and flaws. 

No one is built up when you, air your, "sin soiled laundry", nor, when, you pretend, you are one that never sinned. 

I know that sometimes, transparency can be taken to an extreme and used against you by those who get salty with you or are toxic.

I've had friends throw my confessions in my face when they wanted to check me, and it's not cool. Makes you want to return to oyster status and hide your pearls rather share potential swine.

Perhaps, some will lose confidence at the revelation of the chinks in your armor. That's a reality and a risk. 

But, my 37 years of ministry has taught me its best to stay level, be self-effacing and Spirit led, in your confessions. 

Because, when you take yourself too seriously, hype your status and even, indirectly, play God, it can be some very gargantuan, universal, almighty, shoes to fill.

You represent and speak for God. You are not Him. He is the savior, not us. Soo, always dismiss Judas when you have real communion. 

But, tell your people about how, your brokenness brought you to blessedness. Because, this may sound, irreverent. Forgive me. 

Not my intention. But, "BY YOUR STRIPES, they are also healed." The atonement was Christ's accomplishment. But, they've entrusted to you, so KEEP IT REAL. 

When tempted, tried, tested , torn, tattered, tenderized, toughened, tormented, and terrified, press through it. 

Then preach to the ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, sitting in your audience, with meekness, considering yourself, lest, you give them faulty impression that you HAVE ARRIVED.

Invite them to join you in Overcoming. I prophesy your example if HUMILITY and HUNGER for HOLINESS will cause their, love, respect and celebration of THE REAL YOU, WILL ECLIPSE, THE PREACHING, YOU. 

They will receive you and they will pray for you too. 

What's even better. You will be like JESUS: HE SHOWED HIS SCARS AND HE ALWAYS KEPT IT REAL. 

Note: "he did it, behind, closed doors". 

Everybody can't handle it. Confess your sins to God. Confess your faults, only to friends. Confess nothing to haters or hurters.

I hope this helps you, fellow preachers. KEEP IT REAL. Not, like our beloved brethren in preachers of LA, or like, the arrogant, preacher, I once was, but Preachers of the USA. 

Loveee you. Sir Brian

Friday, November 15, 2013



SOVEREIGN, we offer Praise on Behalf of All Singles:

SOVEREIGN, We extend our hands as an expression, and in recognition, that YOU wipe off the dust, pick us up, put us together and pair us with your best. We are indeed single and blessed. No mess. YAY!

SOVEREIGN, We know that we are never solo. Accompanied by angelic accommodations. Ushered by one, far greater than Usher. Escorted by the Spirit of Excellence. We, the single, praise , despite no human buffer. YAY!

SOVEREIGN, We renew our vows of victorious keptness. We seek your blessedness with adeptness. Despite our human frailty, we offer our availability, WE, the successful and single, Stand, as, SOLDIERS OF LOVE. We are at attention, without pretension. Send the Dove.Yay!

SOVEREIGN, We are soo in love with you, because, it is only your GREAT GRACE that helps us stand, as your woman or man. We, the single, form a prophetic band. YAY! 

SOVEREIGN, We need to confess. This has been a difficult test. Being, apart from true love that can be called our own, is a an undesirable and different zone. We anticipated a companion-filled today, if we could have, had it our way. YAY!

...but life, took an unforeseen turn. Somehow, we discovered our next season, was flying alone. We have cried. Sighed. Asked why. At times, like Elijah, we prayed and Desired to die. But, SOVEREIGN, your Spirit, drew us nigh! YAY!

Soo. We praise, because at the end of the day, we are Having one of those MARVELOUS days. YAY! 

Loveee You. Lead Worshipper, Sir Brian

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Friendship Principle Pt 3


You must know when it's time to say, I've had enough!" To be long-suffering and to hope against hope, sounds quite biblical. In some instances, it is. 

But, not, in the case of your oft-hurt feelings, bruised ego, and a wounded heart.

Let's deal with these three elements of what is often responsible for a friend to be considered former. 

1) Feelings-Hurt does not mean hard. To accept having your feelings hurt is to allow someone to puppeteer your emotions and affections. 

Your transparency gives them the M O to do it again and again. Try this. Keep it to yourself. If they repeat it often, distance yourself. 

Because, they are using you as a human punching bag, w/o any fear of the loss of you. 

To regain your self respect, don't show them you are hurt. Just as a boxer takes his opponents best shot and when hit, he may flinch, but, then he smiles. 

He can't give his opponent/enemy the mental advantage. 

SOLUTION: Hurt feelings must be dealt with by saying enough! 

2) Ego- In its' basic sense, this God given and though it may appear overblown at times, it is very fragile. 

When a person is bent on teaching you a lesson, reminding you of your imperfections daily, then dismiss them summarily. Quick, fast and in a hurry.

The Human Ego has gotten a bad rap. It's what gives man an impetus to have dominion. The skull is hard because it protects the brain. 

Your ego must not Edge God Out, but, it must keep, a "beat up", self esteem from entering in. 

It keeps a woman from allowing herself to be treated like a $2.00 floor mat. It keeps a man from having his Testicles removed by "pliers" of drama. Thus preventing him from being able to procreate. 

Think of Ego, as "dignity protection." Just as blood cells provide you with an immune system. You don't and must not be with a woman or man that smashes your ego. 

Those who think THEY HAVE TO LOWER YOU, to keep you, in check are CONTROLLERS. 

SOLUTION: So, next time, they go there, have a can of whoop A-answer open and blast like a megaphone. Don't spare them. Just be sure, not to be ignorant or cussing. 

Ego-Bruisers are dealt with by saying, "talk to the hand" I'm done, talking to you, ENOUGH! 

3) Heart- Wounded spirits are nearly impossible to bear. A wound is a puncture. It's a penetrating force, that robs you of sleep, obsesses the mind, beats up your joy and takes the Sweetness out of life. 

A wound is normally the result of a lie. Broken trust. Repeated offense. Backstabbing. Dishonor. Public exposure of private matters. And just down right nastiness. Jesus was wounded by friends. So will you. 

SOLUTION: You can overcome those by forgiving. The disciples only denied Christ once. Never again. 

You're not Christ, but if you keep accepting woundings as normal, you are POSSESSED by the spirit of that person.

(not literally), You must cast it OUT, by staying away from them and Off the phone. STOP IT BEFORE , you lose soul.

God binds up broken hearts, by sending you POSITIVE people who will treat you TLC. 

I've had my heart broken twice. Each made this REAL man cry. It was hard getting over it after I did, here they came again. I made the mistake of trying again.

Got hurt again. I should admit, I wasn't the best, but, they stabbed me in my gut, til I nearly bled internally to death. I had to pray and receive Godly counsel. 

Where I stand NOW, IS I HAVE SAID ENOUGH! Do I hurt? Yes. At times. Do I still care for them? I do. Will I give them another look, reconsider? No! 


That's what you need. RESOLUTION!!! 

Ask God to help you. By faith, say"ENOUGH!!! " A new friend is coming. They won't smash your feelings, bruise your fragile dignity protector and never will they stab you repeatedly, in your heart. 

Praying for you fellow soldiers. Pray for me.

Loveee you. 
Sir Brian

Friendship Principle Part 2

The Sensitivity Key:
One of the essential elements of friendship is being "acutely aware and always caring what a friend feels." Avoid doing things that you know they are sensitive to. 

Everyone is different. Learn them and always avoid pushing their buttons by an "I don't care attitude!" 

You should care. To show a bad spirit, doesn't show strength of character, but the presence of arrogance, petulance and dissonance. 

Simply stated, it is the evidence of pomposity or asininity.  Why don't you care? Do you care if you are dissed, whether, privately, publicly, purposely or unintentionally. Of course, you do. 

If you say, "you could care less," that's worse than, "I don't care!"

That recalcitrant attitude makes one, UNLIKABLE. And you will never, be able to keep a friend. Soo, take the low road of humility. 

Never diss, even if, you are dissed. Let the "blood of the friendship's death, be on their hands, not yours."

Because, the word teaches, in Gal.6:7, that sowing becomes reaping. "The Law of Reciprocity," guarantees, that, you, will reap a true friendship, in proportion to the friend you have been. 

Ask God to make you the kind of friend, you wish others to be to you and your eyes will open and you will see, the "not so gorgeous side of the beautiful, you." 

Then, make adjustments and reap GOOD FOR YOUR GOOD, in Jesus name. 

Loveee you. Sir Brian

Friendship Principle

QUOTE: "Whatever and whoever fails to appreciate you, disqualifies themselves from a friendship with you."

Sometimes, in order to save the possibility of a future friendship, you have to discard a current one. You have to let it go. 

I counseled someone concerning this recently. Too often, their friend, violated basic laws of friendship. 

So, I encouraged them to read the memo being sent by their actions and cut away from them, completely, with no further communication. 

Not even fb, text or call. Let them go. In fact, delete and block them.

The reason for such an extreme measure is BECAUSE, THEY HAVE DE-VALUED YOU.

I further counseled them, that In time, their former and now, exposed, friend, will miss what exited their life. Not to return. 

Perhaps, in the distant future, a new friendship can be fashioned. 

But, then again, I said, that is probably not going to happen, because, they are not really worth the investment of your time, energy or assistance. 

Little did I know, I would have to heed my own advice within hours. It HURT, but, I had to say goodbye, without ever speaking to them. 

They probably think everything is cool. I HAVE NOTHING FURTHER TO SAY .

I'm through. They have offended me the last time. 

I won't begrudge them happiness , but, they are certainly, not a part of my future. Nor, am I a part of theirs. I wish them well. 

I am no longer available or reachable, nor will I be touchable. They crossed the last line. 

Sometimes, after doing all that you can, you just have to, GO!!! Not them,YOU! 

My advice to you, in the name of Jesus, is to walk away completely from any person, relationship or even, church that hurts you regularly. 

HEAR THIS...God uses hurt, but, this, isn't God. This is them and you.

I'm not giving you or me a pass. For sure, we have our issues, but, at least, we don't intend to hurt people with lies, public postings, disses, etc..

But, it only continues, because, you are WEAK. Even pathetic. Sorry. If you let someone, continually, hurt you,THEN YOU ARE DESERVING OF WHATEVER YOU Allow.

The sooner you cut ties, the sooner, a true friend will come. Thank God for your former and completely desist any communication with them on any level whatsoever. 

Give it about 3 months; YOU WILL NOT FEEL A THING. Go for it!!!

Loveee you, 
Sir Brian

Monday, November 11, 2013

Ten Lepers: One Grateful, nine forgetful... Which one are you??

When my boys were young, we were spending some dad/son time and I asked them, what QUALITY did they think, I most appreciated in them. One guessed it right".

He said, "Gratefulness!" 

This is the thesis...

CAUTION: Never give someone a pass who simply, mouths the word, "THANK YOU", w/o apparent truthfulness or w/o resoluteness. 

Just saying,... We are trained to say thank you w/o thinking. Someone lets us over, we speak it. A waiter brings water, we utter it. A cashier, gives us change, even though it's ours, we mouth it. A friends loans us a dollar or two, we smile it. 

NEWS FLASH: That's not gratefulness, that's basic manners or courtesy. Here's a BKW'ism.

GRATEFULNESS: "An amped thank you." It's thank you with the volume turned on high."

Therefore, I present a few, Gratefulness IDEAS. 

A) ...a card you took time to find and give. 

B) ...a letter you write

C) ....a call you make

D)....a hug you give

E) act of offering
something you have etc

God is pained at displays of ungratefulness by a child or church member or MYSELF. I am better than that. 

God is enlivened, when a person shows gratefulness, through remembering to pause long enough to remember your special days, like birthdays, etc... 

Gratefulness is what Psalm 100 calls "His Gates". 

Ungratefulness locks the gate to future benevolence and beneficence. The Psalmist exhorts us not to forget, He, who, daily "loadeth us with benefits!"




Experience has taught me that "ungratefulness" is a spirit. Not a demon. You can't cast it out of others, BECAUSE, it's a heart condition. You can't cast it out of yourself, because, you can't cast YOU OUT OF YOU! 

"Give thanks with a grateful heart....", the songwriter wrote. 
Thank you to the composer. 

In Conclusion: "Here's the flip-side..." Those who give and sense innate ungratefulness in THE ONE YOU GAVE TO, by their mouthed word, THANK YOU: LET IT GO. Release them from all indebtedness. 

Because, it will eat at you, til, even though you love them, you won't like them and could grow to RESENT them. And...that will mean, "YOU HAVE A SPIRIT OF BITTERNESS! You will be defiled and don't know how. 

The ACCUMULATIVE results of tolerating this, in others, WILL CAUSE YOUR FEELINGS TO BE HURT and then, YOU WILL CHANGE INTO WHAT THEY ARE...ungrateful! Selah. 

Romans 1 says... "Neither were they thankful... " he's talking about unnatural affection individuals aka "same gender
Lovers." When a person is grateful to God, they don't get off into DEPARTURE LANES . 

PRAY THIS: "Lord, please keep me from becoming like the ones who unintentionally, make me shake my head at their SEVERE CASE OF UNGRATEFULNESS-ITIS.

Keep touching my heart to be giver and grateful to you. 

Now, I sing to you, "I'm Forever Grateful to you..." And Lord , when I get in your presence, please allow me to spend the first MILLION YEARS SHOWING MY ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE! 
Amen and amen. 


I Loveee you and in case, you missed the MEMO, I'm grateful to those that take time to like, comment, or share my postings. 

I'm grateful, WHEN SOMEONE PRAYS FOR ME. Tell them tangibly. If they continue to be ungrateful: TEACH THEM, through Spirit led actions l.

Check this out...YOU PROBABLY NEED TO PULL BACK AND MAYBE THEY WILL LEARN, "You aint been stupid!!!"

I am grateful for Apostle and Mrs Zimmerman for buying my dinner.

Friday, November 8, 2013


This morning, a myriad of Godly people have requested a Personal Word for their Day. Here's a word for yours!

"When you awaken and sleep has been shaken, realizing your life hasn't been taken. Immediately, fix your gait, think positive and look straight. Gaze into Father's glorious face. PRAISE THE LORD! 

PRAISE unites you with the chosen, not the frozen. Realize that, when you annunciate, "thank you", you are joining Handel 's Hallelujah Chorus, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, Mozart's Oratorio, the Seraphim's Serenade, and the Cherubim's Mass Choir. 
Lift your praise higher and you will be drawn nigh'r...

PRAISE waiteth for thee in Zion. Desist your crying, resist any dying, persist through life's sighing and insist on trying.
Perfected praise is defying, and depression denying, PRAISE CRAZY!

PRAISE is comely for the upright, not the uptight, but, those insight and foresight, keep them from meandering and wallowing in languishing hindsight. PRAISE LIKE TODAY'S YOUR LAST. 

PRAISE casts out Jebusites, Hittites, Hivites, Amorites, canaanites, all other ites and tites, outtasights, and mosquito bites... Haha. 

PRAISE is your passport into celestial surroundings. The place where new mercies, fresh anointing, greater grace and glory is always abounding. PRAISE WITH TEARS OF ECSTASY!

PRAISE is perpetual and has penetrating affectations that are extended to your progeny and affects expectations and people. True praise isn't limited, located, or fixated to the place with the steeple. Praise everywhere. Go THERE! 

Praise is High, (Psalm 149), because it ascends to heights and descends to depths, to the place where you are kept. It does a 24/7 security patrol, over your SOUL, w/o having slept. PRAISE LIKE THE NEW DAVID!

Praise personifies, signifies, and dignifies. It magnifies, glorifies and edifies. No wonder, demons are terrified and satan is vilified and those who hunger for holiness are evangelized.  PRAISE AND BE RAISED WITH FAVA

PRAISE takes a frown and turns it upside down. It takes a down day and turns it right side up. It causes a curse to be reversed, A plague to be stayed. A lie to die. Answers questions, solves problems, til there is no more, Oh my God, Why! SO PRAISE HIM. 

...and that's not all, YUALL! 

Loveee your Life! 
Loveee you. 
Sir Brian


Pastor's of LA is history making. It's also, gut wrenching. When it's epitaph is written, it will be a reminder of WHAT NOT TO DO. 

Anointed Pastor's don't smile for cameras, unless it is to PREACH JESUS! When popularity is cool. BUT, ONLY PERSECUTION IS PROMISED!

I was once called "Pastor" by a 33 year old sister on her deathbed. As her beautiful, sable body atrophied at the cruel hands of cancer, she mouthed the words, "Thank you Pastor. " 

I was about 30. I learned early. Your pastoring portfolio may include governor lunches or even presidential audience, (I experienced both), but, the parishioner who calls you, "Pastor", means more. 


1) They choose to submit to your covering. They entrust you with their immortal soul. 

2) They pray for you and actually love you as a person, not simply a preaching machine.

They are the ones that weep and rejoice with you, not the motley crue of those who don't even know you. 

3) They vote with their feet and their pocketbook. Meaning, every Sunday they show up in their Sunday, "not so best", it's their way of saying,YOU'RE THE BESTESSES! After-all, they could have attended somewhere else. 


Being a Pastor is very special. Early yesterday, I was awakened to the news of a dear friend's tragic auto accident. 

A mother, cried as she traveled a hundred miles down a highway called the 'Valley of the Shadow of A Son's, near Death".

She had to drive without knowing, whether he was dead of alive. Thank God he was. She called me. I consoled, but I knew she needed A PASTOR TO PRAY. I did!!! He made it. God spared him. 

POINT: this mother didn't need alligator shoes, pancaldi ties, tailored suits, three point sermons or hermeneutical exactitude or homilectical perfection. 

She needed God's power. 
I'm glad, I was already in prayer and prayed up. 
Pastor's we have sinned, we build buildings and bless believers. We should build believers. You do this CARING! 
Really caring! That's Pastoring. 

Pastor's of LA show breaks the pastoral code. It portrays Pastor's as, only caring about self justification and pontification. 

There are seven reasons why, I sadly, decry that the show, not the precious minister's is not of God. 

1) It's light communing with darkness. It's Christ presented as having concord with Belial. 

2) It's the sin of Belshazzar . . Taking holy things and displaying them to a carousing, crowd. 

3) It's self deception. Professing to be wise, but appearing as INSINCERE
FOOLS. Is how the enemy wants and has succeeded in presenting the preacher . 

4) It's a stumbling block to seeking souls and weak will Christians. Because, it glorifies men and not God. 

5) It manifests The Love of the World, in its' dialogue and it broadcasts a "I don't care whether you approve or not demeanor. "

6) It testifies loudly of the Celebrity Christianity Mentality of the modern day "Do you or Do your thing," philosophy. 

7) It HAS NO ANOINTING! Preacher's exists for souls, not trying to be Sold!

Pastoring is about saving the lost, not making a profit while disregarding their yearning for HOLINESS! 

I was once a pastor of LA ... low living, lustful thinking and long explanations for loose interpretations. 

My brothers' love God. I'm sure some may be seen. But, HOLLYWOOD IS A GREAT SERVANT, but a terrible master. 

Loveee you. Hope this doesn't depress you.

Bishop Brian Keith Williams D.D. 
Pastor to Pastors
Still, just: Sir Brian

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


The time has come for total and respectful transparency of testimony. All of this "I GOT IT TOGETHER LIKE THAT BRAVADO", is no longer in style. In fact, it never was. 

The people need authentic, not synthetic. They salute divinity. Embrace humanity. Resent pretension. Embrace pure intention. 

Pastor's, why do we perpetrate and sometimes live and preach a lie. Meaning...we struggle too.  But, are waaay too scared to beseech prayer, from those the seminary trained us to perceive as lesser ones. 

Truthfully, the people in the pews are Solomonic in their wisdom. They see you, feel you, hear you, know you, when YOU ARE SUFFERING AMNESIA TO YOUR PURPOSE.

All the accolades from pontificating peers mean nothing compared to a genuine and sincere, "Thank you Pastor", when you stand by the gravesite of their dearly beloved. Their eyes remain hopeful, because, you are THERE for them. 

Your attempt to make your mark, stamp your signature and indelibly impress them with the wonder of you, pales in comparison to bringing them face to face with the One, who is called, "WONDERFUL". Isa.9:6....

Try this: TELL THE TRUTH. Tell them, "I AM IMPERFECT." I am me. After God's heart, but, in need of what I preach. Try this. Remove your titles for at least one Sunday, almost wrote Sinday. 

There are millions who will be convicted of "breaking and entering ," to get into your church, once they know: THEY CAN BRING THEIR ISSUES WITH THEM AND LEAVE, WITHOUT THEM."

Pastors of the USA, this is our finest hour, because we never Looked soo bad. Our bentley, benz, brotherhood has been EXPOSED. We preached Holiness, while, our lives were a mess. Not hypocriting, just, dipping, slipping and jipping. 

God has called and is calling PRODIGAL PASTORS home to Himself. Here's the 3 point sermon, it includes a poem.

1) Say: "Beloved, pray for me!"
2) Say: "Children, pray for me!"
3) Say: "Warriors battle for me!"

The future belongs to the humble. Not the stargazers who see themselves as MOVIE stars. Not hate here. Just know what I know. 

Jesus was a preacher's preacher. He rode an ass to his destiny. He never thumbed a ride on the accolades of men. 

Somewhere, the tailor made suits, skinned shoes,  designer shoes, and praises of people never obfuscated his "awareness that He came to die ."

We are not greater than He, so our lot is linked in suffering, not buffering or the size of the people's offering. 

One day soon, a new school breed will replace Eli and his sons. Chabod will remove Ichabod. The glory will be recovered. Destinies discovered. 

Today, we must rend our hearts for the sad and sickening that sucks God's glory and removes our foray. 

Preacher's of the USA, we must not allow missionary dollars to "PIMP THE REST OF THE WORLD!"

Fellow preachers of USA, repent and connections that catapult will be made. 

Sincerely, a Pastor's Pastor. Apostle to nations. Still just... Sir Brian

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Preacher Speaks

"How not to Double-Minded and Live a Life of Instability!"

"Victory is the defeat of an enemy. Sometime's the enemy is IN A ME! 

Everyone desires to be victorious. Too often, far too many are victims. Professing and possessing victory are two different things. 

Victory's launch-pad is the transformed or renewed mind. A made up mind is when your intellect, emotion, affection, intuition, volition, conscience, memory, thought life, and imagination are God oriented and Christ centered. 

The opposite is to be scatterbrained. 

Hebs 4:12 says, "the a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." You don't always do what you INTEND to do, but, you WILL DO, what you THINK of doing. 

Prov 23:7..."as you think in your heart, so are you..." Thoughts are unspoken words. Thoughts are things. Because, every word starts with a thought in order to become a thing. 

No thought lives in Your brain, rent free. Unless, it is "squatter thought", which produces a scatter brain of diminished mental capacity. 

To "discern" means to detect, perceive or simply DIVIDE! 

Your thoughts are divided three ways. 

1) Satanic thoughts CORRUPT the mind. 

2) Selfish thoughts produce a CARNAL mind.

3) Spiritual thoughts CONSECRATE and 

Paul said, "to be spiritually minded is life and peace. To be carnally minded. 

James Allen "If you would protect the body, guard the mind. If you would renew the body, beautify the mind."

POINT: "Discern your thoughts and you will never be DOUBLE-minded." James1:22-25

Prayer: "Lord, let my one mind be the Mind of Christ!!!"

Loveee you. Sir Brian




Amos said, ...there will be a famine for the HEARING of God's word. Not the preaching of it. It's preached, but many are not Hearing, because many are not listening. 

They listen to fables, motivational messages, philosophical diatribes, life coaching sessions etc...

These things have their place, but they ARE NOT THE WORD. We are born of the Word. Live by every Word. JESUS IS THE WORD. 

He is Spirit and Life. Sadly, I CONCLUDE THAT MANY SAY THEY WANT THE WORD, but they don't. They want A word. 

Hezekiah was told by Isaiah that judgment was coming and that it wouldn't happen in his lifetime, but, In his children's lifetime. He replied, "that's a good word!" What the what????

How is that good? Judgment on your children, because of your sin!!! Hezekiah, you turned your face to the wall earlier when God used Isaiah to prophesy your death and got 15 more years. 


I can't mince words here. Hezekiah, "you are a jerk!" It's not a good word and you're not a good man. Such is the church TODAY! 

We pray for enlargement, increase, prosperity . All of which are God's will, but then we don't have enough word to transmit to our children children's children!

As in Samuel's day, "the light has gone out in the temple, there is no open vision". Meaning, no widespread revelation. 

Most preachers have information, perspiration, but little revelation. When God raises someone up with a word, WE DON'T HAVE CAPACITY TO RECEIVE IT. 

Pablum has been diet not the sincere milk of the word. We are not ready for strong meat. 

So, we go from Sunday to Sunday hearing sermonettes that produce Christianettes. A little dabba do yah. And we call that THE WORD. 

Faith comes by hearing the WORD. One understands why Jesus said, "when the Son of Man returns, shall he find faith upon the earth?" Why did he ask this QUESTION. Because, NO WORD... NO WORD. 

I post word and sometimes get two likes. I posts about boyfriends, girlfriends, etc ..and get hundreds. 

Post more than two lines, it hurts our eyes and our stomachs, which are full if worldly dainties and we have no appetite for it. 

I'm going to EXPOSE something. 


Church goers want a good word, not THE WORD. 

This is an INDICTMENT OF A BACKSLIDDEN CHURCH. And now we know why our marriages end, our families fall apart. Our bodies break down, our zippers are unzipped and our dresses are pulled up while we cuss, party and bow at the altar of celebrity christianity. 

Nehushtan in Hebrew means, "a brass thing!" It was in reference to the brass serpent, that Israel looked to in the wilderness. It had become a good luck charm. In Hezekiah's day, they pulled it out for good luck and God comnanded it be torn up. 

Today, we need the BRASS elements of our worship torn up. Brass is filled with alloys. It's not pure. The WORD TODAY IS MIXED WITH ALLOYS OF MAN's IDEAS. 

So, when the people of God get a rare dose of the unadulterated, incorruptible word they OVERDOSE. 

Somebody, needs to cry out like Samuel did, in the midst of a Light less temple with no open vision, with Nehushtan services, and so called, "good word messages, " SPEAK LORD, thy SERVANTS HEAR!


Pray for this chastened preacher, 

A former Pastor, now Apostle to Nations, but still, 
Just Brian...

Friday, November 1, 2013


The Church will survive this season, but oh, how, my heart hurts. The deception is soo strong. 

The Pastors of LA are all chosen vessels.

Why don't they plainly see, satan "showed them the kingdoms of this world, in exchange for a bowed knee." 

Perhaps they should re-read the story they have all preached. The 3 Hebrews were in Babylon, but not, of it. Nebuchadnezzar never asked for their soul, just their knees at the sound of music. 

But, they are not alone. 

3/4 of the grounds JESUS TAUGHT ABOUT IN THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER, were not good. 

Thorny, wayside, stony. That's MOST OF THE REST OF US. 

Compromise, Carnality and the love of money and pleasure have demonically oppressed the church and its Isa. 56:10, leadership. Those who are clean are sometimes soo unloving, judgmental and self righteous, that they PRODUCE HYPOCRITES WHO TRY TO PLEASE THE PEOPLE WITH COVERED UP MESS. 

Private pornographers, habitual masturbators, convenient fornicators, non-tithing, God robbers, substance abusers, gamblers, backbiters, and mini skirt, thigh revealing, cleavage showing, profanity users, FILL OUR CHURCHES EVERY LORD'S day. 

What's worse, they are in pulpits, choir stands, deacons boards, councils of Bishop's. I hate to say it like this but God is ready to PUKE! 

The more God raises ministers up, the more vain they become. Fellow Preacher: you are indeed a star, in His right hand, but, if you don't repent, you will be fired like Saul. He kept his job 20 years after he got his pink slip. 

David was waiting, because when he died, David, the Better, took over."

Then 20 years later, David did even worse crap. He was such a worshipper, writer. DA BEST!!! That tells me that singing, preaching, church attendance is often a cover up of LUST AND LIES. 

Many church Women today are full of lust. Men have always struggled, but in days of old, THEY WERE KEPT and got married. Their marriage lasted. 

Desire is natural. Yielding isn't hard, BUT THE WAY OF THE TRANSGRESSOR IS. 

Except we Repent, we shall perish. Somebody, tell my beloved former Pastor that what he is preaching is a lie. You are NOT SAVED IF YOU CONTINUE IN KNOWN SIN. 

Many pastors don't preach inclusion, but they are, because, to them, they include everyone as being saved, as long as they are attending their church. TELL ME I'M WRONG!!! 

Soo, before all of us go to OFFSVILLE, on the Pastors of LA, the "modern church" has executively produced this SHOW. Like it or not, THEY IS US!!! Its just on film now. 

Stay tuned, there will be more. TV shows in this season will replace conferences. WHEN IS THE LAST TIME, the term, "Revival was used!" 

Forgive me, if this TOO DIRECT, but, The Pastors of LA show makes God sick. A Bishop laying on men to ordain them, makes God sick. Preaching everybody is saved makes God sick. Divorce, such as mine make God sick. Celebrity status and courting the world instead of the cross makes GOD SICK. 

Many reading this post including the one WRITING HAS made God sick. 

Yet, He LOVES US. Yes, THE PASTORS OF LA ARE HIS CHILDREN and God will whip ur Shiney Hiney if you touch them. 

Pray for them and let them know, but for God's sake as they have bowed at the sound and signed a deal with the Prince of the Power of the Air, DON't you now BOW at THEIR SOUND!!!! 

If I been harsh, please forgive me. If I have spared sin by walking lightly, may GOD HAVE MERCY ON ME. 

A former Pastor, 
Bishop Brian Keith Williams DD

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


On this past Sunday people came to say goodbye. People who I thought had long forgotten me, as a Pastor, even of thousands, over the years I seldom forget them.

There was no sadness, just the realization that what I spent three decades building, had now ended and a new day was beginning. 

I leave Columbus with no regrets, remorse, or remaining doubts or fears. I thank the Lord for healing my hurting heart. 

The church, nor the members hurt me. The city didn't hurt me. Honestly, I hurt myself. Not, mistakes, just, not always living up to God's standard of "perfecting holiness", in the fear of God.

God called me to "be" before "do". Soo often, I forgot this. Preaching love
is one thing, but,"walking in love", is another. 

Materialism sneaked upon me and captivated me for a season. "Things" and possessions were soo easy to obtain, that I became used to being blessed and probably, less Grateful to the Giver. 

The church grew large, not mega, but a lot of people packed the place for a long time to hear me preach and teach. I always did my best. It wasn't that, which was the problem. 

It was my temperament. Prophetic people can be very volatile at times. Check out Elijah, David, or Jonah. 

My impatience and intolerance of anything less than perfection affected my moods and I vented often. It affected my congregation and family. 

Bitterness crept into my heart at what I perceived as "rejection and abandonment."

Soo much can be said, a lot of good was done, a lot of people taught, one out of ten came to say thank you. 

Someone remarked that thought "certain people", would come, but didn't. 

My response was, "I WAS NOT AFFECTED ONE WAY OR THE OTHER!" They are cool, but not relevant to my life anymore. I wish them well. 

I told someone, that when Jesus was lifted up, none of the men who he gave himself to were there, but, one. 

I had far more than one and I wasn't being crucified. I was being told goodbye. 

Soo, people's presence or absence didn't have affect on my heart. There's no TOXICITY here. I'm glad to be going. Many are glad for various reasons. 

The only emotion, close to sadness, is when I watched soo many asked to have their picture taken with me. 

Why sad, because, a picture is far less than the person. They had me. I had them. Now, it's over. I'm going to be "over", but no longer here. 

Soo, I will miss my people greatly. I will miss my city. I will miss my children and grands. But, I WON'T MISS THE PAIN! 

To God be the glory. This is my heart's confession. 

Loveee you. Sir Brian

Friday, October 11, 2013


"Three Syllable Word"

Affirmation is divine.
Edification is sublime. 
Honor is valuable.
Esteem is malleable.

Every worker deserves credit.
The Creator first said it.
No matter one's profession. 
Or lack of possession.

The brother and the sister.
The ma'am and the mister. 
The young who are sprung.
The old who are cold.

The fella who plays the fool.
The monk who follows rules.
The teacher with lessons.
The judge with court in session.

The worker who struggles. 
The lonely seeking to cuddle.
The preacher who declares.
The dancer who gets stares. 

The star who once twinkled.
The actor who's wrinkled.
The tipper who hollas.
The stripper who's collared.

The one who loves and loses.
The wounded bearing bruises.
The police who patrols.
The pastor who consoles. 

The singer who scratches. 
The runner who dashes. 
You, must never forget...


Saturday, October 5, 2013


1) THE WAY YOU KNOW IT’S TIME TO MOVE ON is when God shows you that what He is giving is better than what you had. Time to move on. 

2) IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON, when you realize the true you is in a different place and the vistas before you are brighter than the ones behind you. Time to move on. 

3) IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON, when you are aware that you're ready for the door wide open for you and are truly happy that the previously one was only cracked open. Time to move on. 

4) IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON when your grace level expands and you are almost apologetic that who you are is better than the reception on your current level. Time to move on. 
5) IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON when God says, "ENOUGH!" Your future is fixed. Because, you are. Time to move on. 

6) IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON when YOUR SPIRIT knows that someday very soon, You will be lifted in orbits exceeding abundant. The morning sun kisses you, It's time to move on. 

7) IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON when you finally see the vision before you. It compels you to not even remotely be upset about what happened to the previous you. You wake up saying: IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON! 

8) IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON when those who prayed for you, look at you and say, GOD HAS SOMETHING SOO MUCH BETTER FOR YOU. Then you say, The time is now! Time to move on. 
9)IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON when you've said yes to something that is bigger than you. It WILL outlast and outlive you because, The one's who are called to you, await you. When you hear prophecy in your sleep, it's time to move on. 

10) IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON when Jesus shows up in divine discontent saying, "blessed one, I lived and died that you will be able to join me in saying, IT IS FINISHED, ACCOMPLISHED." It's time to move on. 
11) IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON when you decide, declare and decree, this will be my last cold winter. My first, smile EVERY MORNING. When you hear the birds sing, their joy will pale in comparison to yours. Time to move on. 
12) Finally, IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON because, you know in your knower, THAT THE BEST IS ALREADY HERE. You've just got to leave what sieves and cleave to who believes. Time to move on.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


CONFESS THAT THIS IS MY SEASON OF RECOVERY, for me, my family, my ministry and my destiny.  


I confess that I live in the LAND OF OPPORTUNITY, that new vistas and venues welcome me.

IT IS MY SEASON OF RECOVERY.  I CONFESS that I possess energy, vitality, positivity and THAT I AM willing and ready for every possibility.

IT IS MY SEASON OF RECOVERY.  I CONFESS that challenges excite me, difficulties are deferred to the GREATER ONE that is in me.

IT IS MY SEASON OF RECOVERY.  I CONFESS that the long season of sadness and uncertainty bows to the conquering Spirit (JESUS) within me.

IT IS MY SEASON OF RECOVERY.  I CONFESS that the God I serve holds and reserves all HIS SPIRIT has decreed that I deserve.

IT IS MY SEASON OF RECOVERY.  I CONFESS all my problems stand still.  My heart is filled.  My JOY IS COMPLETE, my needs HE meets.

IT IS MY SEASON OF RECOVERY.  I CONFESS that RECOVERY is a definitive word.  My faith is built to the max by what I've heard.

IT IS MY SEASON OF RECOVERY.  I CONFESS that every dream shall live, shall magnetically attract, destroying lack, defeating every attack because the ALMIGHTY GOD always, always uses GOODNESS and MERCY TO PUSH MY BACK.



Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Qualities Of A Mighty Man

50) Absorbs the blows for you
51) Is an awesome Lover 
52) Puts you before himself
53) Treats you royally publicly
53) Assists you totally privately
54) Kisses you momentously
55) Holds you firmly but gently
56) Whispers praise to your spirit
57) A hopeful romantic
58) Keeps you on his mind
59) Writes poetry about you
60) Takes you to exciting places
61) Is physically fit for you
62) Is sexually pure
63) Is free of bad habits
64) Is a lover of fine cuisine
65) Will bear your burdens 
65) Speaks your love language
66) Has you as his priority
67) Reads your body language
68) Ministers to your inner self
69) Wipes your tears with words
71) Will dance your dance
72) Sees you with God's eyes
73) Believes in and backs you
74) Invests in your advancement
75) Beats back all he-wolves
76) Leads the family altar
77) Provides in advance
78) Knows you're hurt w/o being told
79) Prophesies to your heart strings
80) Dreams of blessing you
81) Is a lifetime wonder
82) Treats you like its your birthday
83) Wakes up praising God 
84) His breath is sacred to you
85) Loves to see you blushing
86) Has creative ideas of wealth
87) Knows how to speak peace
88) Is riveted by your look
88) Names you prophetically
89) Touches and transforms hurt
91) Unafraid to show his pain
92) Risks vulnerability with you
93) Tells you he needs more of you
94) He is emotionally solid
95) He is deliberately Holy
96) Serenades you serendipitously
97) Delivers express mail too
98) Increase and releases you
99) Fasts and prays for break-thru 


Qualities Of A Mighty Man 

1) Is a true worshipper
2) Is faithful to his promise
3) Is responsible for his deeds
4) Is successful in his employ
5) Is gentle yet resolute
6) Is calm, cool, collected
7) Is humble yet confident
8) Is a leader and can follow
9) Has his ego checked
10) Has his life together
11) Has minimal issues
12) Knows where he is going
13) Has a wonderful physique
14) Has no axes to grind
15) Easily forgives
16) Controls his temper
17) Masters his words
18) Rules His Spirit
19) Holy Ghost filled 
20) Provides for the children 
21) Texts and talks clean
22) Declares and decrees
23) Established Communion 
24) Loves with his heart
25) Great sense of humor
26) Listens to you Intently
27) Concerned about details
28) Is punctual and structured
29) Is quick to say, I was wrong
30) Self motivated for greatness
31) Carries the glory 
32) Takes time with the children
33) Honors his debt
34) Stays out of debt
35) Lives to make you smile
36) Gives to the poor
37) Has a heart for ministry
38) Knows who he is
39) Builds your self esteem
40) Stands during storms
41) Is a good steward, tither
42) Is free of petty jeaousy
43) Is secure in your love, trusts
44) Dresses with style
45) Speaks with content
46) Is an avid reader
47) Full of the word
48) Knows the art of a deal
49) Stays buoyant, resilient
50) Absorbs the blows for you


100 Qualities
 of Today's Proverbs 31 Lady

1) Thoughtful always
2) Always comforting
3) Dresses for your eyes
4) Lives to please you
5) Truthful at all times
6) Clean and cleans
7) Talks from her heart
8) Gives what he desires
9) Supremely Worships God
10) Fervently intercedes
11) Studies to be quiet 
12) Honors you
13) Cooks well
14) Rests in your arms
15) Gives everything
16) Follows your lead
17) Compassionate 
19) Passionate
20) Not a cusser
21) Speaks up
22) Wears a smile
23) Kisses hello n goodbye
24) Serves you at home
25) Holds no grudges
26)Has your best interest
27) Has beautiful eyes
28) Is prophetic
29) Lotions your dry elbows
30) Says thank you
31) Handles business well
32) Manages money frugally
33) Gives her all
34) Bears burdens 
35) Is a true worshipper
36) Listens to your heart
37) Doesn't accept disrespect
38) Loves your ministry
39) Is within 8-12" of you
40) Is youthful
41) Spirit led
42) Smiles from within
43) Is affectionate
44) Laugh with you
44) Accents your attire
45) Is not a fornicator
46) Is curved well
47) Has backbone
48) Is gorgeous
49) Loves your body
49) Appreciates your mind
50) Listens to counsel
51) Is uninhibited
52) Cries w/o manipulation
53) Seeks the sale
54) Sees what you don't
55) Is raptured in your presence
56) Is in charge of her cycle
57) Lets you be you
58) Doesn't rat you out
59) Is in love deeply
60) Helps you pack
61) Is loved by children
62) Attends Bible Study
63) Is full of controlled passion
64) Sticks with you
65) Is interdependent
66) Assists in making money
67)) Massages well
68) Is organized and on time
69) Won't divorce you
70) Gives you your space
71) Loves to be on your arm
72) Calls and texts love notes
73) Says Amen at home
74) Looks good in her clothes
75) Looks better than ever
76) Can discern accurately
77) Has a childlike demeanor
78) Sleeps close to you
79) Wears heels
80) Quick to encourage
81) Slow to forget
82) Buys perfume you like
83) Doesn't wear grannies
84) Covers you
85) Awakens the Dawn in prayer
86) Puts aside agendas
87) Uses influence for good
88) Honors her parents
89) Is a Ruth type
90) Runs to your embrace 
91) Speaks well of you always
92) Has God sent dreams
93) Is persuasive not pushy
94) Is bitterness free
95) Is always supportive
96) Wears your favorite a lot
97) Likes to hang out with you
98) Love those you love
99) Blows your mind