100 Qualities
of Today's Proverbs 31 Lady
1) Thoughtful always
2) Always comforting
3) Dresses for your eyes
4) Lives to please you
5) Truthful at all times
6) Clean and cleans
7) Talks from her heart
8) Gives what he desires
9) Supremely Worships God
10) Fervently intercedes
11) Studies to be quiet
12) Honors you
13) Cooks well
14) Rests in your arms
15) Gives everything
16) Follows your lead
17) Compassionate
19) Passionate
20) Not a cusser
21) Speaks up
22) Wears a smile
23) Kisses hello n goodbye
24) Serves you at home
25) Holds no grudges
26)Has your best interest
27) Has beautiful eyes
28) Is prophetic
29) Lotions your dry elbows
30) Says thank you
31) Handles business well
32) Manages money frugally
33) Gives her all
34) Bears burdens
35) Is a true worshipper
36) Listens to your heart
37) Doesn't accept disrespect
38) Loves your ministry
39) Is within 8-12" of you
40) Is youthful
41) Spirit led
42) Smiles from within
43) Is affectionate
44) Laugh with you
44) Accents your attire
45) Is not a fornicator
46) Is curved well
47) Has backbone
48) Is gorgeous
49) Loves your body
49) Appreciates your mind
50) Listens to counsel
51) Is uninhibited
52) Cries w/o manipulation
53) Seeks the sale
54) Sees what you don't
55) Is raptured in your presence
56) Is in charge of her cycle
57) Lets you be you
58) Doesn't rat you out
59) Is in love deeply
60) Helps you pack
61) Is loved by children
62) Attends Bible Study
63) Is full of controlled passion
64) Sticks with you
65) Is interdependent
66) Assists in making money
67)) Massages well
68) Is organized and on time
69) Won't divorce you
70) Gives you your space
71) Loves to be on your arm
72) Calls and texts love notes
73) Says Amen at home
74) Looks good in her clothes
75) Looks better than ever
76) Can discern accurately
77) Has a childlike demeanor
78) Sleeps close to you
79) Wears heels
80) Quick to encourage
81) Slow to forget
82) Buys perfume you like
83) Doesn't wear grannies
84) Covers you
85) Awakens the Dawn in prayer
86) Puts aside agendas
87) Uses influence for good
88) Honors her parents
89) Is a Ruth type
90) Runs to your embrace
91) Speaks well of you always
92) Has God sent dreams
93) Is persuasive not pushy
94) Is bitterness free
95) Is always supportive
96) Wears your favorite a lot
97) Likes to hang out with you
98) Love those you love
99) Blows your mind
Wow that's awesome.
ReplyDeletePraise God for your wisdom! Proverbs 31the virtuous woman needs to be discuss more in women's ministry and home cell groups to prepare the future Ruth's.
Teresa Smith
A lot of these characteristics are needed for BOTH partners in order for marriage to work. In order for a woman to do these things and not becone overwhelmed and lose her identity- she has to do it as a sacrifice unto God.
ReplyDeleteI have counseled many women who have sacrificed themselves to become the ideal wife. Outside of Christ- they become bitter and angry because the sacrifice is not honored or appreciated!