Friday, November 8, 2013


Pastor's of LA is history making. It's also, gut wrenching. When it's epitaph is written, it will be a reminder of WHAT NOT TO DO. 

Anointed Pastor's don't smile for cameras, unless it is to PREACH JESUS! When popularity is cool. BUT, ONLY PERSECUTION IS PROMISED!

I was once called "Pastor" by a 33 year old sister on her deathbed. As her beautiful, sable body atrophied at the cruel hands of cancer, she mouthed the words, "Thank you Pastor. " 

I was about 30. I learned early. Your pastoring portfolio may include governor lunches or even presidential audience, (I experienced both), but, the parishioner who calls you, "Pastor", means more. 


1) They choose to submit to your covering. They entrust you with their immortal soul. 

2) They pray for you and actually love you as a person, not simply a preaching machine.

They are the ones that weep and rejoice with you, not the motley crue of those who don't even know you. 

3) They vote with their feet and their pocketbook. Meaning, every Sunday they show up in their Sunday, "not so best", it's their way of saying,YOU'RE THE BESTESSES! After-all, they could have attended somewhere else. 


Being a Pastor is very special. Early yesterday, I was awakened to the news of a dear friend's tragic auto accident. 

A mother, cried as she traveled a hundred miles down a highway called the 'Valley of the Shadow of A Son's, near Death".

She had to drive without knowing, whether he was dead of alive. Thank God he was. She called me. I consoled, but I knew she needed A PASTOR TO PRAY. I did!!! He made it. God spared him. 

POINT: this mother didn't need alligator shoes, pancaldi ties, tailored suits, three point sermons or hermeneutical exactitude or homilectical perfection. 

She needed God's power. 
I'm glad, I was already in prayer and prayed up. 
Pastor's we have sinned, we build buildings and bless believers. We should build believers. You do this CARING! 
Really caring! That's Pastoring. 

Pastor's of LA show breaks the pastoral code. It portrays Pastor's as, only caring about self justification and pontification. 

There are seven reasons why, I sadly, decry that the show, not the precious minister's is not of God. 

1) It's light communing with darkness. It's Christ presented as having concord with Belial. 

2) It's the sin of Belshazzar . . Taking holy things and displaying them to a carousing, crowd. 

3) It's self deception. Professing to be wise, but appearing as INSINCERE
FOOLS. Is how the enemy wants and has succeeded in presenting the preacher . 

4) It's a stumbling block to seeking souls and weak will Christians. Because, it glorifies men and not God. 

5) It manifests The Love of the World, in its' dialogue and it broadcasts a "I don't care whether you approve or not demeanor. "

6) It testifies loudly of the Celebrity Christianity Mentality of the modern day "Do you or Do your thing," philosophy. 

7) It HAS NO ANOINTING! Preacher's exists for souls, not trying to be Sold!

Pastoring is about saving the lost, not making a profit while disregarding their yearning for HOLINESS! 

I was once a pastor of LA ... low living, lustful thinking and long explanations for loose interpretations. 

My brothers' love God. I'm sure some may be seen. But, HOLLYWOOD IS A GREAT SERVANT, but a terrible master. 

Loveee you. Hope this doesn't depress you.

Bishop Brian Keith Williams D.D. 
Pastor to Pastors
Still, just: Sir Brian

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