Thursday, November 14, 2013

Friendship Principle Pt 3


You must know when it's time to say, I've had enough!" To be long-suffering and to hope against hope, sounds quite biblical. In some instances, it is. 

But, not, in the case of your oft-hurt feelings, bruised ego, and a wounded heart.

Let's deal with these three elements of what is often responsible for a friend to be considered former. 

1) Feelings-Hurt does not mean hard. To accept having your feelings hurt is to allow someone to puppeteer your emotions and affections. 

Your transparency gives them the M O to do it again and again. Try this. Keep it to yourself. If they repeat it often, distance yourself. 

Because, they are using you as a human punching bag, w/o any fear of the loss of you. 

To regain your self respect, don't show them you are hurt. Just as a boxer takes his opponents best shot and when hit, he may flinch, but, then he smiles. 

He can't give his opponent/enemy the mental advantage. 

SOLUTION: Hurt feelings must be dealt with by saying enough! 

2) Ego- In its' basic sense, this God given and though it may appear overblown at times, it is very fragile. 

When a person is bent on teaching you a lesson, reminding you of your imperfections daily, then dismiss them summarily. Quick, fast and in a hurry.

The Human Ego has gotten a bad rap. It's what gives man an impetus to have dominion. The skull is hard because it protects the brain. 

Your ego must not Edge God Out, but, it must keep, a "beat up", self esteem from entering in. 

It keeps a woman from allowing herself to be treated like a $2.00 floor mat. It keeps a man from having his Testicles removed by "pliers" of drama. Thus preventing him from being able to procreate. 

Think of Ego, as "dignity protection." Just as blood cells provide you with an immune system. You don't and must not be with a woman or man that smashes your ego. 

Those who think THEY HAVE TO LOWER YOU, to keep you, in check are CONTROLLERS. 

SOLUTION: So, next time, they go there, have a can of whoop A-answer open and blast like a megaphone. Don't spare them. Just be sure, not to be ignorant or cussing. 

Ego-Bruisers are dealt with by saying, "talk to the hand" I'm done, talking to you, ENOUGH! 

3) Heart- Wounded spirits are nearly impossible to bear. A wound is a puncture. It's a penetrating force, that robs you of sleep, obsesses the mind, beats up your joy and takes the Sweetness out of life. 

A wound is normally the result of a lie. Broken trust. Repeated offense. Backstabbing. Dishonor. Public exposure of private matters. And just down right nastiness. Jesus was wounded by friends. So will you. 

SOLUTION: You can overcome those by forgiving. The disciples only denied Christ once. Never again. 

You're not Christ, but if you keep accepting woundings as normal, you are POSSESSED by the spirit of that person.

(not literally), You must cast it OUT, by staying away from them and Off the phone. STOP IT BEFORE , you lose soul.

God binds up broken hearts, by sending you POSITIVE people who will treat you TLC. 

I've had my heart broken twice. Each made this REAL man cry. It was hard getting over it after I did, here they came again. I made the mistake of trying again.

Got hurt again. I should admit, I wasn't the best, but, they stabbed me in my gut, til I nearly bled internally to death. I had to pray and receive Godly counsel. 

Where I stand NOW, IS I HAVE SAID ENOUGH! Do I hurt? Yes. At times. Do I still care for them? I do. Will I give them another look, reconsider? No! 


That's what you need. RESOLUTION!!! 

Ask God to help you. By faith, say"ENOUGH!!! " A new friend is coming. They won't smash your feelings, bruise your fragile dignity protector and never will they stab you repeatedly, in your heart. 

Praying for you fellow soldiers. Pray for me.

Loveee you. 
Sir Brian

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