Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Preacher Speaks

"How not to Double-Minded and Live a Life of Instability!"

"Victory is the defeat of an enemy. Sometime's the enemy is IN A ME! 

Everyone desires to be victorious. Too often, far too many are victims. Professing and possessing victory are two different things. 

Victory's launch-pad is the transformed or renewed mind. A made up mind is when your intellect, emotion, affection, intuition, volition, conscience, memory, thought life, and imagination are God oriented and Christ centered. 

The opposite is to be scatterbrained. 

Hebs 4:12 says, "the word...is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." You don't always do what you INTEND to do, but, you WILL DO, what you THINK of doing. 

Prov 23:7..."as you think in your heart, so are you..." Thoughts are unspoken words. Thoughts are things. Because, every word starts with a thought in order to become a thing. 

No thought lives in Your brain, rent free. Unless, it is "squatter thought", which produces a scatter brain of diminished mental capacity. 

To "discern" means to detect, perceive or simply DIVIDE! 

Your thoughts are divided three ways. 

1) Satanic thoughts CORRUPT the mind. 

2) Selfish thoughts produce a CARNAL mind.

3) Spiritual thoughts CONSECRATE and 

Paul said, "to be spiritually minded is life and peace. To be carnally minded. 

James Allen "If you would protect the body, guard the mind. If you would renew the body, beautify the mind."

POINT: "Discern your thoughts and you will never be DOUBLE-minded." James1:22-25

Prayer: "Lord, let my one mind be the Mind of Christ!!!"

Loveee you. Sir Brian

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