Wednesday, November 6, 2013


The time has come for total and respectful transparency of testimony. All of this "I GOT IT TOGETHER LIKE THAT BRAVADO", is no longer in style. In fact, it never was. 

The people need authentic, not synthetic. They salute divinity. Embrace humanity. Resent pretension. Embrace pure intention. 

Pastor's, why do we perpetrate and sometimes live and preach a lie. Meaning...we struggle too.  But, are waaay too scared to beseech prayer, from those the seminary trained us to perceive as lesser ones. 

Truthfully, the people in the pews are Solomonic in their wisdom. They see you, feel you, hear you, know you, when YOU ARE SUFFERING AMNESIA TO YOUR PURPOSE.

All the accolades from pontificating peers mean nothing compared to a genuine and sincere, "Thank you Pastor", when you stand by the gravesite of their dearly beloved. Their eyes remain hopeful, because, you are THERE for them. 

Your attempt to make your mark, stamp your signature and indelibly impress them with the wonder of you, pales in comparison to bringing them face to face with the One, who is called, "WONDERFUL". Isa.9:6....

Try this: TELL THE TRUTH. Tell them, "I AM IMPERFECT." I am me. After God's heart, but, in need of what I preach. Try this. Remove your titles for at least one Sunday, almost wrote Sinday. 

There are millions who will be convicted of "breaking and entering ," to get into your church, once they know: THEY CAN BRING THEIR ISSUES WITH THEM AND LEAVE, WITHOUT THEM."

Pastors of the USA, this is our finest hour, because we never Looked soo bad. Our bentley, benz, brotherhood has been EXPOSED. We preached Holiness, while, our lives were a mess. Not hypocriting, just, dipping, slipping and jipping. 

God has called and is calling PRODIGAL PASTORS home to Himself. Here's the 3 point sermon, it includes a poem.

1) Say: "Beloved, pray for me!"
2) Say: "Children, pray for me!"
3) Say: "Warriors battle for me!"

The future belongs to the humble. Not the stargazers who see themselves as MOVIE stars. Not hate here. Just know what I know. 

Jesus was a preacher's preacher. He rode an ass to his destiny. He never thumbed a ride on the accolades of men. 

Somewhere, the tailor made suits, skinned shoes,  designer shoes, and praises of people never obfuscated his "awareness that He came to die ."

We are not greater than He, so our lot is linked in suffering, not buffering or the size of the people's offering. 

One day soon, a new school breed will replace Eli and his sons. Chabod will remove Ichabod. The glory will be recovered. Destinies discovered. 

Today, we must rend our hearts for the sad and sickening that sucks God's glory and removes our foray. 

Preacher's of the USA, we must not allow missionary dollars to "PIMP THE REST OF THE WORLD!"

Fellow preachers of USA, repent and connections that catapult will be made. 

Sincerely, a Pastor's Pastor. Apostle to nations. Still just... Sir Brian

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