Friday, November 1, 2013


The Church will survive this season, but oh, how, my heart hurts. The deception is soo strong. 

The Pastors of LA are all chosen vessels.

Why don't they plainly see, satan "showed them the kingdoms of this world, in exchange for a bowed knee." 

Perhaps they should re-read the story they have all preached. The 3 Hebrews were in Babylon, but not, of it. Nebuchadnezzar never asked for their soul, just their knees at the sound of music. 

But, they are not alone. 

3/4 of the grounds JESUS TAUGHT ABOUT IN THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER, were not good. 

Thorny, wayside, stony. That's MOST OF THE REST OF US. 

Compromise, Carnality and the love of money and pleasure have demonically oppressed the church and its Isa. 56:10, leadership. Those who are clean are sometimes soo unloving, judgmental and self righteous, that they PRODUCE HYPOCRITES WHO TRY TO PLEASE THE PEOPLE WITH COVERED UP MESS. 

Private pornographers, habitual masturbators, convenient fornicators, non-tithing, God robbers, substance abusers, gamblers, backbiters, and mini skirt, thigh revealing, cleavage showing, profanity users, FILL OUR CHURCHES EVERY LORD'S day. 

What's worse, they are in pulpits, choir stands, deacons boards, councils of Bishop's. I hate to say it like this but God is ready to PUKE! 

The more God raises ministers up, the more vain they become. Fellow Preacher: you are indeed a star, in His right hand, but, if you don't repent, you will be fired like Saul. He kept his job 20 years after he got his pink slip. 

David was waiting, because when he died, David, the Better, took over."

Then 20 years later, David did even worse crap. He was such a worshipper, writer. DA BEST!!! That tells me that singing, preaching, church attendance is often a cover up of LUST AND LIES. 

Many church Women today are full of lust. Men have always struggled, but in days of old, THEY WERE KEPT and got married. Their marriage lasted. 

Desire is natural. Yielding isn't hard, BUT THE WAY OF THE TRANSGRESSOR IS. 

Except we Repent, we shall perish. Somebody, tell my beloved former Pastor that what he is preaching is a lie. You are NOT SAVED IF YOU CONTINUE IN KNOWN SIN. 

Many pastors don't preach inclusion, but they are, because, to them, they include everyone as being saved, as long as they are attending their church. TELL ME I'M WRONG!!! 

Soo, before all of us go to OFFSVILLE, on the Pastors of LA, the "modern church" has executively produced this SHOW. Like it or not, THEY IS US!!! Its just on film now. 

Stay tuned, there will be more. TV shows in this season will replace conferences. WHEN IS THE LAST TIME, the term, "Revival was used!" 

Forgive me, if this TOO DIRECT, but, The Pastors of LA show makes God sick. A Bishop laying on men to ordain them, makes God sick. Preaching everybody is saved makes God sick. Divorce, such as mine make God sick. Celebrity status and courting the world instead of the cross makes GOD SICK. 

Many reading this post including the one WRITING HAS made God sick. 

Yet, He LOVES US. Yes, THE PASTORS OF LA ARE HIS CHILDREN and God will whip ur Shiney Hiney if you touch them. 

Pray for them and let them know, but for God's sake as they have bowed at the sound and signed a deal with the Prince of the Power of the Air, DON't you now BOW at THEIR SOUND!!!! 

If I been harsh, please forgive me. If I have spared sin by walking lightly, may GOD HAVE MERCY ON ME. 

A former Pastor, 
Bishop Brian Keith Williams DD

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