Thursday, May 15, 2014

MATTERS OF THE HEART: Ego Driven Vs Spirit Led

The best gift God ever gave the male is his "calling to have dominion". Not over his fellow man, but creation. However, the Adamic propensity toward being ego-driven vs Spirit led is a constant war that rages in their soul. Peter says "abstain from fleshly lusts that war against the soul". This is seen in the tendency to seek to always be in control of every element in his environment.

Unfortunately, often this ego-impulse manifests in how he relates "to the woman" God gives him. Adam and Eve were called to "complete one another, not, compete with, one another". He was made to be the initiator and giver. She was made to be the receiver and multiplier. When she gave him to eat, of forbidden fruit, she was deceived and he transgressed.

Their fallen state produced a fallen state of "her desire being unto him and his weakness being her. This problem is fixed by the last Adam at the cross, where there"is neither male nor female", but, both are one in Christ.

Therefore, the husband's wife is said to be loved as his "own flesh" by Paul, while becoming "one spirit", as a result of sexual copulation. This is a controversial statement, but, Sex marries a man to a woman in the spirit realm, and when, it is discontinued, it causes a spirit divorce, which rips the soul and depending on its oft-occurrence in the past, it fragments men and women and then the person you eventually covenant with, gets a marked down, devalued, fragmented, fractured, incomplete person.

Then, if they've had sexual relations, in violation of covenant, they sow "whoredoms into the foundation of their marriage and more than likely, the marriage is inevitably doomed, tho, it may survive, for years.

The "spirit of distrust" and "insecurity" pervades the relationship, because God's laws have been dishonored, broken and disregarded. True repentance can bring restoration.

Many ego-driven men, who acted like dogs, urinating against a tree, "to mark their spot", must bow their knee, once again and this time, "ask her forgiveness for playing the whore and destroying a portion of your soul, when he violated you, penetrated you and thus, punctured, your ability to flow with him as you TRUE SPIRITUAL HEAD and not simply a male without a womb. Selah.

Many years ago, When I dated the love of my life, my childrens' mother, I gave her a card. It said, ..."Walk behind me...follow me". She graciously thanked me. Then boldly said, "I want to walk beside you, not behind you". She was on point. To quote Judah, "She was more righteous than I. You see, ego was leading me, not the Spirit of God.

I took my issues of insecurity into a marriage. I was an excellent provider, and protector, but, not challenged a priest or patriarch. I truly meant well. Let me explain.

I brought my money home. Paid every bill. Financed a fabulous, well dressed, fed, educated, lifestyle for my wife and children. I was "among the best hands down". No boast. Its' true. They will tell you that. Including her. I guarded my house, established standards of education, excellence, family altar, protocol etc. I protected them and was willing to "give my life for theirs in a heartbeat".

In fact, the most painful part of the cessation, was a sign in a court room, which read, "Williams vs Williams. Huh? How did that happen? So, I was a provider and protector. Now, here's the other side.

Didn't do so well as a priest or patriarch. At least, not UP TO THE STANDARD I EXPECT OF MYSELF. A priest is a bridge, not a barricade. My youthful ego was "controlling, at times, abrasive, and very insensitive to other peoples' feelings". Perhaps, if our personalities and temperaments had meshed better, there wouldn't have been a constant collision.

She would withdraw in many ways. I would "put my foot my foot down/draw a line in the sand etc...That doesn't work, in retrospect. It produces a "battle atmosphere, behind the scenes, and a civil war ensues". The children are greatly affected even, into their
adulthood, even if they turn out okay.

As the MAN, the responsibility is to give the children, the greatest gift possible. What gift is that?  IT IS THE GIFT OF LOVING THEIR MOTHER AS CHRIST LOVED THE CHURCH. I gave every gift, but that, a good portion of the time.

What good is a mink if the one wearing it doesn't feel super special. What is a mansion without a man who you can trust, won't dash your feelings and crush your heart, because of "image and ministry". Therefore, neither are fulfilled and the door is open to a demon called. "Marriage Breaker".

Tho the man comes off as tough, he is not. He is as "fragile as his bruised ego"

Woman of God, learn how to navigate the man's ego. He is yours to keep. Don't give him away to another. Somebody wants "what you consider, misery". Learn to stroke his God given sense of dominion.

Don 't close your legs or your heart. If Delilah could seduce Samson, with demonic assistance, surely, you can strengthen your Beloved with divine accompaniment. Don't stick a pin in his balloon. Blow it up.

Your mama was wrong, "All men are not dogs". If they were, at least, you can train a dog. Ha. A dog is loyal. Stop competing with your man or dividing his children's heart from them. IF YOU KEEP THAT UP, you will deeply regret when they resent you, for it.

Make sure, your ego is in check. He is not the only only one who has one. TOGETHER, be heirs of the grace if life. be continued. Agape' Sir Brian


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