Saturday, September 28, 2013


PROVERBS. 29:18 teaches that the absence of vision causes you to become demoralized, cast off restraint and run wild . The KJV says, "perish".

The story is told of a tour guide in the Nepal Mountains. Someone once asked him, "why do you risk your life, time and again taking people up and down this mountain?" He answered, "it's obvious from your question, that YOU'VE NEVER BEEN TO THE TOP!" 

A God given vision takes you to the top. The top of the class; the list; and you will live at the top of your game (of life). 

A God given vision is soo great that even sleep becomes a distraction. When you wake up, it's "Good morning Lord"...not, "good Lord, it's morning". 

Jesus did everything by ENVISIONING. The father showed it, He did it. This is the MASTER KEY TO SUCCESS.


Note: The past is a nice place to visit, but, not a good place to live. Some people live so far in the past that the future is gone by the time get there. 

The past is a springboard, not a hammock!!! I always say, "you are somewhere in the future and you look much better than you do right now.


I. VISION: Is a clear mental picture of a preferable future.(Jer.29:18) It is a good forecast.
It is an expected end. If you're seeing bad things that's not a vision, thats a daytime nightmare.

II. VISION: It is the ability to derive meaning from WHAT you see. Abraham saw stars and sand. Both represented his spiritual and natural seed. That was the meaning. Jesus said, "Abraham rejoiced to see my day". He knew what God meant and it put a smile on his face. 

Many see, but do not perceive the meaning of what they see. "Perception is the basis of reception."  You must perceive correctly to receive directly. Ask God to show you the meaning of what you see. 

III. VISION: It makes you authentic vs synthetic. You were created to be an original, therefore you shouldn't live life as if you're a photocopy."You are the best you, that you can be. No one can beat you, being you". In the words of the great philosopher Popeye, "I yam what I yam n dats all I yam". Lol

Seriously, God is a CREATOR, not a DUPLICATOR! By divine design, you are creative and causative. Your vision, from God is bigger than you. It will outlive and outlast you, because it doesn't come from you.

It comes TO YOU, TO BE DONE BY YOU. it is something that only you can do. You must become PROCREATIVE, which will result in you being RE-CREATIVE. 

"You will no longer be in a spin cycle, but you will be lifted into the orbit of your originality.

If there's another person in the world exactly like you, then one of you isn't necessary!!!

IV. VISION: It causes you to shift gears out of neutral, into drive and accelerate into your destiny. The Bible teaches, "be not slothful (notros), but thru faith and patience inherit the promises. Notros means neutral. 

When you're in neutral, all you do is coast. Eventually, you stop. Momentum is lost and progress is halted. When God shows you something put da pedal to da metal and floor it. Habbakuk said, "run with the vision".

REMEMBER THIS: God ideas have a short shelf life, you must act before the expiration date. 

Bill Gates said that "if a person has an inspired idea they must do something with it right away or most likely it will be lost and the opportunity missed."

ACT ON WHAT GOD HAS SHOWN YOU! Though it tarry, wait for it, it will surely come. In the END, it will speak. 

When God gives you a vision, 

1) ENVISION- See it!
2) PROVISION - Support it!
3) SUPERVISION - Oversee it!
4) REVISION - Re See it!
5) DI-VISION- Beware of it!

Beloved, let you God given vision propel you forward. Run with your vision and I will surely be praying for you. I WILL SEE YOU AT THE TOP !!!

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