All Works Together For Good.
The possibilities that mold two loving hearts gives them exponential force. Getting married, in proper timing is a great choice. The right person will be the lead singer in your choir and you will rejoice.
You do good by yourself, but ten times as great with THE RIGHT, someone else. Sit up straight, the increase that person will bring, will increase your wealth of the esteem of how you view yourself.
Love is a many splendid thing. Its' compilation is a correlation of uncompromised integrity and serenity. There is drama in love, but, it's more like a dramatic, action flick. It is quite slick. It contains an album of favorite pics.
Lust binds the soul. It forms a stronghold and then a choke hold. Like dirty bath water, eventually, its' self aggrandizing affection, waxes cold. At first, it entices. Next, it seduces. Then, it induces. Finally, it reduces. True love offers no excuses.
Infatuation is a gross distortion and complication it's an enigma, disguised as a conundrum, wrapped in a perpetration.
It announces bold. But, truth be told... It makes a grand entrance before making a stage right exit. It auctions your Mercedes heart, it steals your Lexus.
It drops the mic because it lacks the vocabulary... to do more than preserve itself without trespassing, transgressing physicality. It siphons your FUJI water and turns it to spicket water, sorta...ha.
Fellow Singles, we have a season of "just us and Jesus." Then, we are joined to the one who needs us, believes us, conceives us and would never deceive us.
Be EMBOLDENED: "If you've been hurt in a friendship, relationship, courtship or pre-mature partnership, don't trip. Purpose, to not let God's word slip."
Hold on to His promise like Linus blanket, Hercules ring, Popeye's spinach, Supermans' cape. You don't require an Iphone 5 booth to make an escape. Just wait, no matter how long it seems to take.
Soon, your single status will unveil to your world, the newly renovated, rejuvenated, freshly consecrated and uncomplicated, BEST YOU. You will be amazed at what a difference a day can make.
Beloved in Christ... I went to a theater the other day. The renovation revealed an upscale view. Seats, soft as a baby's behind. Relaxation was on my mind. Forgot all about the time. When the doors were closed the movie began. That was the plan.
Previews of coming attractions were not a distraction. Even though, all that was revealed was a fraction. They, still contained snippets of action.
Such is your single life . Enjoy it, without a wife. Don't be a rubber band while waiting for your husband. Check out the previews, but don't settle for them. Your ticket gets you more than a 15 minute, erotic, ecstatic, ticket.
Find a hobby that takes you in the theater room of leisure, right past the theater lobby.
1) Decide what to do.
2)Discover the "2nd coming of you."
3)Develop your untapped gold MIND.
4)Deploy your spiritual gifts, and your beautiful potential.
Then, unleash your loving heart and YOU WILL EXPERIENCE YOUR GOD ANOINTED, saved, satisfied, successful status. called EXPONENTIAL.
God is upon, in and with you. Your coming Boo is too. They've got you, because they've already seen you: IN THEIR DREAMS.
Rejoicing with you.
Brian Keith Williams