Thursday, May 15, 2014

MATTERS OF THE HEART: 14 Things You need to know About Your Heart in 2014.

INTRO: Do you know the location of your heart? 1) How can you guard it if you don't? 2) How can you love God with all of it when you assume it's in your chest?

THESIS: Beloved of God, You have two hearts. First, your physical hearts beats within your chest. Secondly, Your spiritual heart is the seat of your emotions. It is located in "your spiritual bowels". PLEASE NOTE THAT AND DON'T SPEED READ, or else, you get nothing from this teaching.

Few examples. Of the location of your heart.
1) Psalms. 22:14 I am poured out like heart is like the midst of my bowels.

2) Lam. 2:11 eyes fail with tears. My bowels are troubled.

3) Phil. 2:1 ...if any consolation in Christ... Any bowels of mercies...

4) Col. 3:12...put on...bowels of mercies...

5) I John 3:12 ...whoso hath this worlds goods....shutteth up his bowels of compassion, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

Clearly, the area of our "bowels" is the location our of compassion, mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, despair etc...

NOTE: Sometimes, the word for heart is translated, "belly". Prov. 20:27 The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly".


Your heart must be searched by God and revealed to you. David said "search me oh God". The search reveals that the the Spirit of God/anointing flows from the belly. John 7:38...out of his belly shall flow rivers....

Therefore,our "spiritual heart" is not located in our chest, but in our mid-section or belly region. I know that's a surprise to some, but even the word for "will" is sometimes translated as "reins" or "kidneys". Jer. 17:10.

Where are kidneys located? In the mid-section. But, the application is spiritual, not a body part. The point is: THE SPIRITUAL HEART IS DEEP WITHIN, NOT A PHYSICAL PART.

Your will, is the faculty that determines your choices and it is in your "Gut". Not, simply in your natural mind, but in your spirit heart, located in your belly/gut. Hence the term, "Gut Reaction".

Whenever you feel threatened or besieged, your gut tightens. That's a physical reaction to a threatening stimuli. The expression, "I know that I know" has to do with a knowing that is deeper than your head, but, in your heart. It is GUT INSTINCT.

Eph. 1:18 refers to the "eyes of your understanding... "cardia" (meaning cardiac or heart). When your spirit eyes see, your heart is enlightened and gut feeling is working. It's a matter of the heart.

Quote: "A gut decision is not BASED ON LOGIC OR ANALYSIS, but rather, INSTINCT, INTUITION OR FEELING"

Sometimes, we say, "I can feel it...or I sense...What we are saying is that in our heart or spirit...that we feel strongly, in the bowels/belly/gut...mid-section, not in the head".

Laboratory research has revealed that feelings and thoughts are inseparable. There is a new term to describe this: "Emo-cognitions". It is located, in what some are calling, the "second brain".

The Bible locates it in your mid-section. The brain in your gut is as active as the brain between your ears.

There is a new field of research called, "enteric neurology", which studies, what I am teaching in this, "MATTERS OF THE HEART POST".

The "enteric nervous system" is the PLACE OF KNOWING THAT YOU KNOW. Where thoughts/feelings/volition/emotion becomes one and flows from your belly.


Physically, your brain is wired
by neurons. So is your "enteric nervous system". Millions line your esophagus, intestines, stomach, and colon.

The two sides of your brain:
(left-cognitive and right-creative) are connected by a NERVE that goes downward to your intestines or mid-section. Emotional information is translated to every cell and organ in your body this way.

For example: A Polygraph Test depends on 3 factors.
1. respiratory,
2. sweat gland and
3. cardio vascular activity.
It can be beaten. A new lie detector test has been patented. IT MEASURES REACTIONS IN THE GUT.
Why the gut area?

The chief  Univ. Of Texas, researcher, Dr. Pankaj
Pasricha wrote, "the gut has a mind of its' own. Its' nervous system acts independently".

Did you get that? YOUR GUT HAS A MIND OF ITS OWN. It's not dependent upon the first brain for its' signals. But rather, the brain of your spirit man, or your heart, located deep within your bowels/belly/gut.

When things happens, both brains kick in. We generally go with the one in our head. But, just as, the thoughts in your head must be attended to, but, so, also, the "EMOTIONS" in your bowels/belly/gut.

Because, your "inner man has a spiritual heart, located in your mid-section, containing its' own programming and therefore, greatly influencing you forward.

NOTE: Suppressing emotions associated with our thoughts, force them into the sub-conscious part of your being which hinders your spirit/heart from COMMUNION WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT.


That's why worship must be in the Spirit or out of the spirit or man, what Jesus referred to as the belly.

Col.3:15...let the peace of God rule in your hearts.

Your heart is deep down. It flows out of your belly. It is your CORE. 600 times in the it is used in the O.T. Solomon said, in Prov. 4:23 "guard your heart...out of it flows the issues of life". The EPICENTER is in your bowels/belly/gut and then in your various other parts.


The words of a talebearer are as wounds, they go down to the innermost parts of the BELLY. Prov. 18:18. Paul taught that, GOD'S peace, guards our heart...Phil.4:7.


Since, this is where the heart hurts, it is where it heals. Deep within. Whenever there is negative emotion about a person that means THERE IS SOMETHING between you and them and it must be replaced with PEACE. This requires FORGIVENESS.


Forgiveness is not an act of the head's brain. But, of the spiritual heart. Forgiveness is more of a person than an act. It is Jesus in YOUR HEART RELEASING HIS HEART.

It is an "encounter with him, resulting in an exchange of his grace for your mess". How do know you're forgiven? You know, IN YOUR KNOWER!!!

It brings "healing to your heart and wholeness to your soul, producing communion with God, who is Spirit".

XIV. THE HEART OF EVERY PROBLEM IS A PROBLEM WITH THE HEART. The solution of your problems is touching the heart of God, and letting flow freely from your belly in the person of Jesus. Your bowels of mercy, the water from your belly and the gut instinct is how you too live.

CONCLUSION: I have presented much attention on the location of the heart? It is because, 

A), Now, you can guard it, because, you know where to find it. 

B) You can hide God's word in it, now that you know your spiritual heart is.

Prayer: "Lord help us to go within, deep down within and be true to our heart and not just our head" in Jesus name. Amen

Agape' Sir Brian
E37MOVE Apostle

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