Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Thought : "Come Out of Your C.A.V.E. "

Intro: Jezebel threatened Elijah. He ran and requested to die. God sustained him. He Eventually, Wound up in a cave. God came and said, "What doest thou here Elijah"? He was commanded to come out and stand at the entrance. God put on a display of prophetic overtures. 

Fire, Wind, and an Earthquake. 

He wasn't in them. Soo, what was he saying? Or better yet, doing? Why this display of nature? I submit, God was preaching an illustrated sermon. 

Fire: Represented Elijah's fiery temperament. On Mt. Carmel, God was in the fire, on Mt. Sinai, He, was in the bush that burned with fire. He was in the tongues of fire in the upper room, but not, this fire! 

 Wind: Represented Elijah's "intensity and fervency of ministry". God was in E37, valley of dry bones Wind. Day of Pentecost, rushing, mighty, Wind, but not this wind. 

 Earthquake: Represented Elijah's 'mover and "shaker" mentality'. God was in the earthquake that swallowed up, Korah, Dathan, Abiram, 250 princes, and those who weren't on the Lord's side, in Moses day. He was in the earthquake that occurred the moment Jesus gave up the ghost, but He was not in this earthquake. 

Suddenly, there was a still, small, VOICE! God was in the whisper. No one, but Elijah, knows what God said. 

Note: It represented a dimension Elijah had not experienced. God was saying, I am God. 

Sometimes, it's not fiery worship, fervent praying or flame throwing preaching, but stillness of fullness . Full of God, but, devoid of self. 

Sometimes, it's not not the bombastic blast of a preacher's wind of eloquence of oratory that tells the story. 

Sometimes, it's not the shaking of the building or believer, that precipitates the making of a move of God. 

Beloved of God, FELLOW PREACHER'S, Sometimes, "IT's simply relaxing, taking a chill pill and yielding to a divine dealing". It's knowing that, God already scoped the place where His people will come. He gave them the word. They obeyed what they heard. You just need to show up and watch God, SHOW OUT!!! 

The cave was:
C- cold, not comforting
A- animals not humans 
V- vision limited
E- enclosed, one way out

Life's caves are soo cold. We can either retreat in defeat, lose our feet, or declare , THIS, WILL TURN OUT SWEET . 
The caves surround us with creatures of discomfort , with an animalistic atmosphere they exude. We can see, but limited, because the walls of limitation hinder the peripheral view. 

We can only get out of our SELF IMPOSED CAVE, the way, that, we got in. 

Hear this:

WORD : Never let Jezebel BLUFF YOU.

David went into a cave. It was called ADULLAM. 
It means, "A TESTIMONY". As you leave the cave, GOD WILL SCREAM YOUR VOICE, til favor locates you and GPS's your EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS END!!!! 
Jer. 29:18 Agape', 
Sir Brian 
E37MOVE Apostle

Monday, April 14, 2014

Exceeding Expectation

Text: Roms. 4...being fully persuaded....he embraced the promises...

Subject: "No Excuse For Excuses!"

Intro: As an 18 year old Evangelist, I preached this subject in Toledo, Ohio. The principal character was Jeremiah. His excuse initially was that of being, "but a child". God informed him, that He knew before he was born. Knew him before he was formed. Called him and intended to use him to tear down and to build up, among other things. He was chosen. Jeremiah said yes and the devil couldn't say no. There was no excuse for excuses.

Moses met God at a "common bush with uncommon glory."
He was burned out. The bush burned on. God said go...he said, "woe". Excused himself, because of a stuttering problem. God said, "I will be your mouth"! Moses got it done, and when he was done, God took him home. No excuse for excuses. 

What's your excuse? Is it education? Fear of Rejection. Lack of money? Too many Challenges? Degree of Difficulty? Your advanced Age? Bankruptcy? Too little Time? Many have faced these "Impostors and Overcome! YOU WILL TOO!!! No excuse for excuses. 

You've heard of Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Pres. Harry Truman, Stephen Spielberg, Michael Dell, legendary Anchorman Walter Cronkite, and media mogul Ted Turner. Not one of them graduated from college. No excuse for excuses. 

Most have eaten at KFC, founded by Colonel Sanders. He was 66 at the time. He was a Christian. I watched a youtube clip of him on TBN before he died the audience was spellbound by his story of rejection and perseverance. No excuse for excuses. 

The ant carries 400 times it's own weight. Consider the ant...Solomon said. The bumblebee's body is too big to fly. Oops, he didn't get the "not possible memo". My friends, there's no excuse for excuses. EXCEED EXPECTATIONS!

To produce a lb. of honey, the Honeybee. visits 56,000 clover heads. Each head has 66 tubes. All total 3.3 million times for 1lb. That's about 3 times around the world if it were miles. For 1 tablespoon, it requires 4200 trips. Think of that the next time you add honey to your tea. No excuse for excuses. EXCEED EXPECTATIONS! 

A guy wanted to build cars. Went broke 5 times before he got the first one built. Henry Ford is gone. His cars are still here. He once said. "If you think you can't then, YOU CAN'T. Miracles come in Can's! No excuse for excuses. 

Walt Disney, was bankrupt 7 times before Mickey Mouse ever got a home at Disney World. He was a believer. s a child he drew flowers with smiles. Teacher scolded him, "Walt, flowers don't have faces"! He answered, "Mine do". At his theme parks today, all the flowers have smiles! In Florida, developers, saw a swamp, he saw a family vacation venue, and today, the world sees Disney World! No excuse for excuses.

In case, you think your best years are behind you, or that, you've failed than you succeeded, remember this....

Plato wrote "The Republic", 9 times before he finished. 

Cicero practiced his oratory for 30 years, before he became famed for it. 

Webster spent 36 years compiling words for his Dictionary, which still ranks, among the best of all time. 

Virgil took 7 years to write his classic. 

Michaelangelo, took 8 years to paint Sistine Chapel on his back, an inch a day. The financier asked, "When will you make an end of it"? He replied,"When I'm done with it"! 

Edison had 1000 failed experiments, before he caused a light bulb to shine. Friends asked, was he discouraged? He said, "No, now I know 1000 things that don't work"! 

He was called a genius. He humbly replied, "genius is one per cent inspiration, 99 per cent perspiration"! 

That'll preach. No excuse for excuses. 


Jesus did. He died. He cried. He sighed. Nailed to a tree, he created, between two common thieves, he became sin for us. Offered a sour painkiller. He spit it out. While dying, he was thirsty. He felt forsaken, and He asked God, Why? But, he never lied. BELOVED of God, "you can make it, if you try. Tell excuses goodbye. 

Jesus said "in three days, you will see me again. He took on our sin. Theologians call it "propitiation". They buried him in a borrowed tomb. The earth became a womb. 72 hours later. He walked through a wall and into a room. He got up, saying, "ALL POWER.... Go ye. Go is 2/3rd's of God. 

Go into the Upper Room, not the Supper Room. Wait til you get power for your finest hour, so that with God, you will: 

It's been good hanging out with you, today... I sure do loveee and celebrate you.

Sir Brian, an Apostle

Friday, April 11, 2014

Let The Church Say...

LET THE CHURCH SAY, "Even So, Come, Lord Jesus".


I see a “Move” of God coming that will be second-to-none.

In this move, the Ministers will be the first to be delivered. They will take off and lay down their masks. They will unsheathe their swords, never to be used on their fellow preachers again. They will open their hearts to worship as David of old. Their vestments will be removed. Their titles will not be spoken of. They will sit and sing among the people, and they will worship as the 24 Elders.


No longer will they be comically caricatured as pimps, potentates or players (read: “playahs”), but as priests, patriarchs and pioneers. They will show more emotion while another is speaking than when they are. Jealousy, pettiness, idiosyncrasies, peeves, emulation and competition will not be named among them.


Regardless of doctrinal differences, they will not be disconnected from their brothers’ struggles or sistersprivate pain. Churches will overflow again without control,browbeating, or manipulative tactics of insecurity guised as concern.


The gimmickry of "crowd gathering will be discarded. God will magnetically draw from unseen places and the remotest parts. Facilities will be shared. Space rented to other ministries as if in a mall. Multiple services being held in one location by different ministries. Start-up churches will be sponsored as if a new baby was born into the family. Pastors will slip into another service before going to their own to receive inspiration and will give generously to help others.


They will trade in their thousand dollar suits for less expensive ones and give the difference to domestic and foreign missions. They will trust their hearts and tell their stories with precision and without pretense.


Elders will be ordained from the youth and the young will return to the fathers. The old will weep while realizing that this is day they saw in their vision, before their strength grew small.


THIS IS THE GLORIOUS CHURCH WITHOUT SPOT OR WRINKLE. I see this in an "open vision". Can you believe God and say, in agreement, "EVEN SO, COME, LORD JESUS!

Let The Church Say...

LET THE CHURCH SAY, "Even So, Come, Lord Jesus".

I see a “Move” of God coming that will be second-to-none.
In this move, the Ministers will be the first to be delivered. They will take off and lay down their masks. They willunsheathe their swords, never to be used on their fellow preachers again. They will open their hearts to worship as David of old. Their vestments will be removed. Their titles will not be spoken of. They will sit and sing among the people, and they will worship as the 24 Elders.

No longer will they be comically caricatured as pimps, potentates or players (read: “playahs”), but as priests, patriarchs and pioneers. They will show more emotion while another is speaking than when they are. Jealousy, pettiness, idiosyncrasies, peeves, emulation and competition will not be named among them.

Regardless of doctrinal differences, they will not bedisconnected from their brothers’ struggles or sistersprivate pain. Churches will overflow again without control,browbeating, or manipulative tactics of insecurity guised asconcern.

The gimmickry of "crowd gathering will be discarded. God will magnetically draw from unseen places and the remotest parts. Facilities will be shared. Space rented to other ministries as if in a mall. Multiple services being held in one location by different ministries. Start-up churches will be sponsored as if a new baby was born into the family. Pastors will slip into another service before going to their own to receive inspiration and will give generously to help others.

They will trade in their thousand dollar suits for less expensive ones and give the difference to domestic and foreign missions. They will trust their hearts and tell theirstories with precision and without pretense.

Elders will be ordained from the youth and the young will return to the fathers. The old will weep while realizing that this is day they saw in their vision, before their strength grew small.

THIS IS THE GLORIOUS CHURCH WITHOUT SPOT OR WRINKLE. I see this in an "open vision". Can you believe God and say, in agreement, "EVEN SO, COME, LORD JESUS!