Monday, January 13, 2014



...When we say, "God is good all the time, it means, ALWAYS!" I retired at 10 last night. Weary from a travel day and dealing with the remnant of a cold. 

I awakened at 3am. In restless mode, I watched youtube videos of Nelson Mandela's memorial service. Got dressed, preparing to attend a "Leaders' Summit". 

Got in my car. Noticed, that, my compartments were opened, my papers were all over the seats, etc. My car was vandalized. My dress coat, was gone. It was the only thing stolen. Anyway, I began to praise. Several reasons. 

Whoever stole my stuff, reminded me of two scriptures. 

1)..."they took joyfully, the spoiling of their goods."
2)..."the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy...."

NOTE: A wise saint, who was once was stolen from, was fuel for my praise party. He wrote that when he was stolen from, He gave God thanks,

A. That, his life was spared.
B. That, all they got was stuff that can be replaced.
C. That, he was the one, stolen from, and not the pitiful one, who, was the thief.

Amen to that. St. Paul said, to "give thanks, "in", all things... Note: Not, FOR, all things, but, IN, all things. So, join me in thanking God, because, it is a prophetic thing.

You may wonder, why I say that. Well, because, it's a sign of a, 7-fold return is coming. 

Years ago, I was en route to see Kim Clement, 3 hrs away. A car rammed me from behind, as I waited at a light. 

I started not to continue but to return home. However, I proceeded on. Got to the church. 3 hrs later. Sat way
in the back. The Prophet recognized me, called me out and said, "Brian Keith Williams, you have no business back there, come to the front row.." 

He asked me to have words and receive the evening offering. I did as requested. I sowed a 980 dollar seed. You see, beloved of God , "I drove all that way, not to hear him speak, bit to sow a seed. "

He Prophesied to me saying, "JUST BEFORE YOU CAME HERE TONIGHT, SOMETHING HAPPENED. GOD SAYS, THE EXACT OPPOSITE WILL HAPPEN IN THIS NEXT SEASON!!! I knew God was saying, "for all the times, I had been hit in the back while I waited for life's signal to change, he would have my back.". 

Within weeks and months, doors flew open and i preached in the largest conferences in America and overseas. 

It started with a seed and a hit from behind. 

KNOW THIS: For every hit, for every theft, for every SEED, God will PAY YOU LIKE NO ONE CAN. Praise Him now. 
This morning, 

I'm en route to see Bishop TD Jakes. and I get vandalized. SURELY, I HAVE THE VICTORY. Surely, you can identify.

I pray that my coat, keeps them warm. 

It contains virtue, like the "coat of many colors, the hem of Jesus garment, or the hanker chiefs, taken from Paul's body." Who knows, the "conviction" may be soo great, they bring it back, and with a "confession". 

I started my car, put all my papers back in the compartments. Then, I heard a song from my youth of 40 years ago..."No, never alone, no never alone, he promised never to leave me. Never, to leave me, alone." 

I blessed in God's presence. He is with me. 

Here's the moral for my morale. I accidentally, left the door unlocked. That's how the "thief got it!" I hear the Holy Ghost now. 

"Tell the saints, LOCK THE DOORS!" Life and fb is fun. Good fellowship. But, loaded with hazards. The thief comes to steal your "coat of praise, and your covering for the cold, even when, you're battling a cold!" 

Soo, LOCK THE DOORS OF YOUR HEART. Secure your valuables and when the thief comes, even, if he gets a little something, it is nothing TO HOW GOD IS GOING TO HOOK YOU UP TODAY!!!

Somebody. Bless the Lord. You are NOT ALONE!"

Agape' You. Sir Brian


I have been released by the Lord to make myself available to the body of Christ. 

I am now, completely transitioned from being in the Pastorate, until I start the 
"Christ Connections Church" in Atlanta, I am available to minister throughout the USA and nations. 

To have me come is a simple process. Either go my website ( or feel free to inbox me. You can also request a phone contact or email me. 

I am able to conduct revivals, workshops, morning or evening services, bible classes, guest lectures for Bible Schools. conferences, or special events. 

Note: I have no required honorarium and minister for a freewill offering. No first class ticket or person traveling with me. Travel, lodging and love offering. 

My ministry is "dedicated to two things." 
1) To bring insight. 
2) To ignite. 
I'm an apostolic and prophetic. 
Gift. Quality dates are filling. I will sincerely pray, if you request, and will confirm asap. 

Thank you, have a blessed day. I would love to serve you and help you or your church in this new season. 

God bless you. 
Bishop Dr. Brian Keith Williams

Friday, January 3, 2014

Facebook Land-Mines

Recently, I posted on MINISTRY LAND-MINES. 

This concerns face book. 


First: RE-CONNECTS- FB's greatest asset is also it's greatest liability. Some people from the past need to stay there. Beware, that the enemy will try to sow seeds of confusion with people who once caused you problems. When Jacob left Laban he didn't look back. You shouldn't always renew a friendship. It may be a snare. Pray and wait on peace. Don't re-friend w/o it. If they go awry etc...then, unfriend and block on fb and if you've exchanged numbers, on your phone as well. Malediction means to separate. It's opposite is Benediction. , which means to speak good. When Jacob and Laban separated, they said: "The Lord watch between me and thee when we are absent one from the other".
This was a malediction. In other words, YOU stay over there and I will stay over here. Re-connects can be a FB land-mine. 

Second: ADDICTION- The root of the word is "dictate(or)." Compulsion means to compel.
To be transfixed by fb means you need to be fixed. Daily Habits become demonic habitations. When you're on FB before you pray you're addicted. Other signs are, throughout day, are spying on people's posts and who likes or comments; can't engage in communication with the person you're with, for constantly glancing at FB; make excuses to get away or have someone to go away so that you can post, respond to comments or check other posts....when you can't get much else done you are addicted. I recommend you coming off for a season and focusing on the things of God and stop considering FB your pulpit or megaphone. Addiction is a FB land-mine.

Third: COUNSELING- People are going through trying times. They need help. Sometimes, they be a virtue parasite and drain you. If you post a lot and it's apparent that the wisdom of God is upon you, they will often reach out for legitimate help. However, often times, your "sweetness becomes their weakness." They will vicariously transfer their emotional needs to you. In your identificational intercession there is great potential to be allured and ultimately beguiled. 
Be prayerful about who you respond to, because listening to their problems could open you to entrust yours to their confidence. Then, something well intentioned can quickly become tainted and ungodly. Counseling is a FB land-mine. 

Fourth: ARGUMENTS- Some people are drama magnets. Wherever they go, they attract or stir it up. You should unfriend them immediately. In my estimation. The purpose of being someone's FB friend is to edify, not blast, challenge, one up...them, or prove you're smarter. If you disagree, do it respectfully. Not with touches' all the time. "Whenever someone wins an argument, that means someone had to lose it!" Ideally, in human relations, You want a win-win. Most people on FB, including very intelligent ones are very defensive, combative and combustive if "they feel they are being made to look stupid." 
You should "Never go to war where there are no spoils!" Don't be STUPID enough to challenge someone on their post with personal attacks etc... Because they just might whoop your contentious behind. And their followers will stomp you line "rock em sock em robots." Before you attempt to comment on someone's post make sure you've read it and don't hi-jack the thread by drawing "attention away from the one who posted." You might ask, "whose rules are these?" There the RULES OF DIPLOMACY. Show yourself friendly, as scripture says. Arguments are a FB land-mine. 

1. stalkers- they obsessively, watch your every post, people's response to your posts, your likes and comments of others. 
2. Hitch hikers- they have very little to say, so they ride the posts of others daily. 
3. Hi jacker- they take over your post as if it's their own. . Will even share and try to control from their line. 
4. Fake friends- they request friendship to spy and report. They check out who likes or follows you. Pastors do this with members vice versa. Relationships are sometimes killed by this. Sometimes, however, wrong is uncovered by this. 
5. Un Following followers- They follow your words, not you. They steal material. Save it. Re-post it. Re-word it. Claim it as theirs. Even preach it w/o acknowledging it's source. 
6. Incessant Taggers- being tagged is sometimes good. It serves its purpose . But, being tagged means every time someone comments it pops up on your screen. They know that. They either don't care or want you to see what they are doing. I would strongly suggest a person be a good FB friend before you tag them and with consideration. 
7. Name Droppers. They cite your name in a post to draw your followers to them. Sometimes, its random and you go, "what the what". They don't even know you, but drop your name. 
8. Sharks. They ride your post, looking for fresh blood. Then, they Seek to be-friend them. Using your name as a friend of yours. Then, they, "Come on to them and act like they're soo close to you. Sharks have multiple women on FB thinking their the one. They are cheaters.
9. Infamous In boxers- the inbox serves a very valuable purpose for privacy, respectability etc...But some inbox to much...they wake you with inboxes. Regularly, inbox you. That's how mess gets started. Be careful. Ask them to not inbox if you can tell their motives and your desire do not match. 

Face book is a blessing, but also a lot of land-mines. Walk in wisdom. "Be wise as a serpent, but, gentle as a dove."

Agape' you, Sir Brian

Ministry Land-Mines

Having been in ministry for nearly four decades, I want to address the subject of "Ministry Land-mines". It is a subject dear to my heart. I pray that it helps both ministers and those to whom they minister. 


First: PRIDE- Imagine if the Ass Jesus rode on Palm Sunday, thought the Hosanna's were meant for him. All praise is due to God. Don't wait until you get to heaven to cast your lifetime crowns of accomplishment, achievement, and accolades at His feet. Do it now. Pride is a land-mine. 

Second: MONEY- The love of it is the root of (d)evil. It is amoral, neither, good or bad. Have it, but, never let it have you. It comes with a mission. Avoid misusing it, or missing the mission, because you misspent it. Provide all things honest. Your good name is more a great bank account. 

Third: CONTROL- Many who have deep insecurities, Napoleon complexes or lack of significance, use their position to make others beholden to them. Spiritual gifts of prophecy, word of knowledge, discerning of spirits are tools for edification, not toys for self gratification. God is in control. Being a Controller is a Land-mine. 

Fourth: DEFILEMENT- Sympathy is feeling sorry for someone's pain or problem. Empathy is feeling their pain as if it was yours. In the process of helping others, empathy is necessary. However, it often results in "sympathetic defilement." The counseled ones concerns are transferred and the minister can be weakened in defiled in the process. Learn to cast other peoples care upon the Lord as you do yours. Defilement is a ministry land-mine. 
Fifth: UNACCOUNTABILITY- Jesus sent his disciples in two's. Both, For practical purposes and spiritual. Let every soul be subject to the higher powers. Every Christian and minister needs spiritual authority to confess their struggles, strivings and shortcomings too. If you fall, there is no one to pick you up. The counsel is your safety net. Use it, don't excuse it. Unaccountability is a ministry land-mine.

Sixth: BAGGAGE- Going into a new season requires you to travel lightly. Too much weight disables take-off. Extra luggage costs more. Soo, walk in forgiveness of other's and one's self. Confess your sins. Humble yourself. Receive God's grace. Owe no man anything but to love him. Anger is a letter short of danger. If you lie down with the dogs of baggage, barking in your soul, you will awaken with fleas nesting in your soul. Baggage is a ministry land-mine. 

Seventh: Lust- The lust or intense desire of other things choke the effectiveness of the word. Lust of the eyes, flesh or pride of life come in the form of people, places or things. Be on guard. The eyes and ears are gates to the soul. From Eve, Achan to David, lust is nothing to play with, because it sears the soul, defiles the conscience, divides the heart and weakens the will. Unstopped it forges a ravine that is deep; a gulf between you and God that will threaten your relationships with Him and others. Avoid it by evicting it. Distancing from it. And confessing to God at all times. 

This is a brief writing on ministry land-mines. All believers must know that they are not exempt from fleshly lusts which war against the soul. But, the reason you are called an OVERCOMER is because, by the blood of Jesus, the grace and mercy of God, YOU WILL NEVER GO UNDER. Avoid the land-mines, and you avoid the explosion. Loveee you. Sir Brian